Chapter 8: It All Started With Cookies

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"Recognized: Zeyphr B-04."

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. There was this thing and I-" I stopped talking as I bumped into a wall and stumbled a bit, but was able to correct my stance. I stopped running into the cave as I saw the whole team standing around, looking at me.

"...sorry." I apologized again, blushing as I stood up straight and played with my hair.

The team wanted to meet this morning...But if course I was late because I was in the middle of downtown Paris and THERE WAS NO ZETA-TUBE!! And then a fight broke out and I had to deal with that...

Not a good morning for good old Lina Dubois.

"You look like you just flew ten miles." Robin quipped, smirking and taking in my messy appearance.

"Probably because I did..." I muttered. Afterwards, I cleared my throat. "So I take it you asked Red for a mission...How did that go?"

"He shot us down." KF said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well...I'm sure that the League's just getting used to the idea of having their own recon team around. I'm sure we'll be getting missions in no time!" I said cheerfully. Kaldur smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You're optimism is appreciated." He said, and I couldn't help but chew my lip and blushed.

DAMNIT dont blush you moron you already look like an idiot!!

"We were just talking about the cave and giving a tour!" Miss Martian said, flying closer to me. "Did you know Green Lantern and Superman cleared it out?!"

Well isn't she just a ball of sunshine

"Well they are both powerhouses fit for the job..." I said, but then I had a thought. "But why would they ditch this for the Wa-Hall of Justice..?"

Miss M and Superboy don't know about the Watchtower yet. I can't let that slip!

"The caves secret location was...compromised." Kaldur explained.

"So they traded it for a tourist trap? Ya that makes sense!" Superboy growled.

"If villians know of the cave: then we must be on constant alert!" Miss Martian panics. I got to ease her mind but Robin intervenes.

"The bad guys know that we know that they know about the cave, so they'll never think to look here." Robin says, taking the Martian girls' hands smoothly.

"He means we're hiding in plain sight." KF says, detaching their hands with an evil galre towards his best friend.

I roll my eyes and look at Kaldur, who shrugs.


"I smell smoke." Superboy states out-of-the-blue and I furrow my brows, concerned.

"My cookies!" Miss Martian screams and flies away. We eventually all caught up with her in the kitchen as she took out a backing tray, covered in black clumps. I gagged slightly at the smell.

"I was trying out Granny Jones' recipe from episode-" Miss Martian started but cut herself off. "Never mind..."

"I bet they would have tasted great." Robin reassured. "He doesn't seem to mind."

Robin motioned to KF who was scarrfing down the charchoal disks.

"...I have a serious metabolism." KF said, mouth full of cookies.

"I'll...Make more?" Miss Martian said questioningly.

"It was sweet of you to make any." Kaldur said kindly with a smile.

"Thanks Aqualad!" The green girl said happily.

"We're off duty. Call me Kaldur'ahm. Actually," he casts a look to me. "my friends call me Kaldur."

I blushed again and fiddled with my hair.

"I'm Wally." KF said, leaning on the countertop. "See, I actually trust you with my secret ID, unlike Mr. Sunglasses over there." He motions to Robin. "Batman's forbidden boy wonder from telling anyone his real name."

"Stop teasing him Wally!" I said, scolding mildly before turning back to Miss Martian. "I'm Lina, short for Evangélina Dubois. But...I'd prefer if you just call me Lina."

"Well mine's no secret!" The Martian girl said happily. "It's M'gann M'orzz. But you can call me Megan, it's an Earth name...And I'm on Earth now!"

Yup, totally sunshine and rainbows

"And we're happy to have you." I said, placing a hand on the young girl's shoulder.

After a moment, Superboy wigged out and yelled "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" at Megan, who looked confused. I was about to ask what was wrong when suddenly, my head felt like it was being split in half.

"What's wrong? I don't understand! Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically."

I keel over in pain, clutching my head as I feel the effects of my medication hitch. Suddenly everything hurts: the lights make my eyes feel like their bleeding, every sound is like sitting next to a metal band. Everything is so painful...

"M'gann! Stop!" Kaldur snapped, and suddenly the pain faded away, and I felt arms wrap around me. "Things are different on Earth. Here your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy, and to some...they can even inflict a lot of pain."

"Besides; Cadmus' creepy little Genomorphs left a bad taste in Superboy's brain." Wally 'whispered' to Megan.

"And some of us..." I grunted, standing in Kaldur's grasp as I try to erase any remaining pain. "Have mental disorders that just make us really sensitive to certain things."

"I-I didn't mean to-" She stuttered, looking distraught. I smiled and went to console her but Superboy spoke first.

"Just. Stay. Out." Superboy growled.

I sighed, annoyed at his negative attitude. I knew that that wasn't going to go away soon.

After an awkward moment I turned back to Megan.

"Don't worry about it Megan. You're still new to Earth and getting used to things. It can be hard, we get that." I say with a smile. She looks a little taken back before smiling back at me. Then suddenly, a light goes on in her eyes.

"I know what we can do!" She shreiks before flying away. We all look at eachother before shrugging and following her. For a moment, Kaldur pulls me back a little and looks me in the eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asks, looking concerned and I blushed at his concern.

"Of course. I've had worse." I say before following Megan's path.

When we got to our destination, the hanger, we were met with an odd little red sphere.

"Um...What is that?" I asked.

"It's my Martian bio-ship!" Megan chirps.

Yes, because that makes perfect sense...

"Cute." Wally pipes up. "Not aerodynamic; but cute."

"It's at rest silly." Megan hummed. "I'll wake it."

She waves her hand and suddenly the ord turns into a really cool-headed ship.

And it's alive...Why not?

"You coming?" Megan smirked as she opened the door.

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