Chapter 39: The First Date

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Schools in France don't usually have dances, it's more of an American thing. We didn't have homecoming, Prom, anything like that.

But, on the rare occasion: some schools will have random celebrations and sometimes those include dances.

I've never really gone to one of course, not wanting to be in a room with my peers (slightly tipsy, making them more unbearable) but this year I was actually going, as a date with a popular guy which only added to its surprise-factor.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, pulling nervously at my sky blue, knee-high, halter dress: something I had bought a while ago but never gotten the chance to wear. I also wore a pair of white ballet flats and wore silver bracelets around my wrists. I originally wanted to put my hair in a braid, but I've learned that that hair style is strictly for fighting crime: so instead I straightened my usually frizzy hair and put it a pretty white headband. 

I took a deep breath, trying to ease the butterflies in my stomach. It felt weird, going on a date. Knowing that someone actually thought of me like that and wanted to spend time with me like that. I was so used to being the shy wallflower that being asked to go on a public date almost felt...alien.

Suddenly, there was a knocking on my door, so I called for them to come in. Calvin and Leo came tumbling out and I felt a blush dust my cheeks, but also a sense of 'really guys?' flood me.

"Can I help you idiots?" I asked, giving them a disappointed look. The two boys sprang up and looked me over.

"You look so pretty!" Leo gushed, running and attacking me into a hug.

"Are you really showing that much skin?" Calvin accused and I sent him an evil-eye.

"You're gonna say that about anything I wear." I said in monotone.

"Well yeah! You only wear sweatshirts and fully-buttoned blouses at school! Showing your chest! What if he gets the wrong idea!" Calvin exclaimed and my glare intensified.

"I think I'm more then capable of defending myself against someone like him." I said. "I may not be the strongest superhero, but I'm still trained by Black Canary in martial arts."

Calvin sighed before walking over and engulfing both Leo and I into hugs. "I feel so old! My baby sister is going on a date! Why are you two growing up so fast?!"

"You sound like Papa!" I groan, Leo and I trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"And we both make sense." Dad's voice said, and we all turned to see the middle-aged man standing in my doorway.

"Papa! I thought you were at work!" I exclaimed, finally fighting out of my older brother's grasp and walking toward Dad, fixing my hair and dress.

"And miss my little girl going on her first date? No way." He said, opening his arms and I happily embraced my father. "You really do look beautiful, Lina. Just like your mother."

My face heated up when Papa mentioned my late mother. I looked up and saw that he was fighting back tears. I smiled and leaned up, kissing his cheek gently.

"Thank you Papa." I said, and with that: the doorbell rang. Letting out a loud squeal, I dashed to the door and threw it open, revealing Quinn standing there: looking dashing in a white button-up with the sleeves up and black slacks.

"Oh Thank God, I was afraid I got the wrong-whoa." Quinn stopped talking as he got a look at me and I felt my face heat up, fingering the smooth fabric of the dress.

"I'm not overdressed, right? Or underdressed? You've been to way more of these things then I have." I asked.

"You look..." He paused, clearing his throat. "You look even more magnificent then usual."

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