27. Queen Bee and Questions

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The news of the attempt on my life spreads like wildfire; news of my relationship with Nate spreads faster. I can barely take two steps without being bombarded by questions. It seems many now view me as the future queen and are eager to find favor with me. None of them seem to know the truth. Nate and I haven't spent any time together since the night of the ball.

I left early the next morning to reassure my father that I was safe and was never in any danger, reluctantly he agreed not to to send any security back with me. I expected Nate would come find me that night since he lost the bet about the ring saving his life. He never showed that night or any other since.

Nate still sits with me at lunch so nobody else has noticed the distance between us, but I feel it. He doesn't reach out to touch me, he doesn't flirt with me, he doesn't share his thoughts with me. Almost overnight all the intimacy we had been building has vanished. I suspect he feels that our relationship puts me in danger and is trying to distance himself. It hurts, a part of me is worried that this is the end of our relationship.

To avoid being constantly harassed I've started taking breakfast and dinner in my room, often with Amelia. She adds a few pieces of fruit to the top of her breakfast. "Michaela is spreading a rumor that your father and the king have begun discussing the terms of your dowry," Amelia reports amused.

I laugh too, "They haven't even met. In truth is was me who discussed it with the king."

"When did that happen?" she says slicing a grape in half. 

"Clara's ball," I take a normal sized bite of my pastry.

"Speaking of Clara, I heard that she has dropped out of the academy, I think the Norwood's are hoping that the gossip will die down enough that she can return next year," she says in between tiny bites of her food.

"It's my fault," I've never been a fan of Clara but I didn't want to have her future compromised like this. After Nate called her a rebel, she fell from the top of the food chain to the bottom, not even Nadia or Michaela will speak to her.

"Why, it was Nate's actions not yours?" Amelia never liked Clara and has quite enjoyed seeing her become a social pariah.

"I should have stopped him," I shift the last of my food around my plate with a fork. I didn't like her much either but I didn't want to ruin her life so completely, I know that in all likelihood she will never be able to return.

"You couldn't have, I've never seem Nate that angry, it is why everyone thinks Nate is in love with you," Amelia widens her eyes innocently but I see the coy smile tugging it her lips. She has been trying to get me to spill the beans about my relationship, this is just her latest attempt.

"If you say so," I don't give in this time either, mostly because I have no idea what he feels for me anymore.

She waits a few more moments seeing if she will get anything else out of me. She sighs in defeat, "My mother wanted me to ask you if you would join us for a family dinner tonight?"

"I'd love to," I agree grateful for the change in subject.

I finish up the last of my breakfast and we both head off towards our first class. Amelia links her arm with mine as we walk defending me on one side, it doesn't deter them in the slightest.

"Alia, I love your dress, where did you get it?" I have no idea what this girls name is, she looks at me with open awe in her chocolate eyes.

"Madame de Lacroix," I say quickly as the next question is fired at me.

"Will you sit with me in history?"

"You and Nate make to cutest couple! When are you getting married? "

The questions about my relationship with Nate are the worst. I don't mind Amelia's asking but its none of these other people's business. I know, I'm being overly defensive, but it's a sore subject at the moment.

I'm saved from answering because we arrive at our first class of the day. I've come to see history as a sanctuary, an hour and a half of nothing but Klein's monotonic voice taking about something other than my life. It's bliss.

Ascension passes in the same manor before Amelia an I run the gauntlet to the dining room. I slide into my usual seat next to Nate. "Hey," My voice cuts though his staring contest with his untouched food. He bobs his head in greeting.

It's not enough anymore. I fit my hand to his jaw and turn his face to mine, before he can say anything I cover his lips with my own. For a brief moment he responds to my kiss before he pulls away. I know he see the rejection cross my face before he turns back to stare at nothing.

I swallow down the lump in my throat. I want to talk to him, ask him anything but I feel so awkward. Over the last week I've tried to start conversations about everything I can think of, he's shut down all of them.

"How's your day going?"


I see Amelia glace at us. I think she thinks we are just acting like this to cool down all the gossip and attention on our relationship.

"I'm going to the Southerland's tonight for dinner," I inform him.

He just nods.

We sit in silence for the rest of lunch with Amelia and Matthew carrying the conversation. The distance between us grows, I keep hoping that he will snap out of it and come back to me but I'm starting to realize that I need to do something if I want to fix this.

I take a deep breath and push my relationship troubles aside. I reach up and brush back a few strands of hair from my face, I angle my head during the movement and steal a glance at Eva. I have been working on controlling my raw hatred towards her, I haven't trusted myself to be close to her in case I show my hand.

I can't keep avoiding her, if I do it will be like announcing to her that I remember. Today I am going to talk to her. I steal another glance at Eva, she's leaving for class.

"See you guys later," I don't bother trying to kiss Nate goodbye, I just stand and follow Eva out the door. "Hey, Eva! Wait up," I call out to her, she slows and turns to find me. I smile and take the last few steps to catch up to her.

"Hey," she smiles but I can see it now, she is analyzing my every move.

"How are you going with that transformation spell?" I've been planning this conversation for days, I've practiced saying these words in the mirror, my voice is perfectly casual and friendly.

"I finished it a while ago, I guess we haven't spoken in a while," I was right Eva was becoming suspicious of the distance I created.

"Yeah sorry, things have been really crazy recently," I shake my head and roll my eyes with a smile, emphasizing my words playfully.

"You're practically famous," she laughs before her mood turns somber, I almost believe it. "I'm glad you are ok though, do you have any idea who did it?" she looks genuinely worried, she should be.

"Not really, I was drugged with something pretty strong, I think it might have been a girl but I'm not sure," I make my voice seem troubled and confused. "I wish I could remember more, the king has some people looking into it anyway," I add frustration and hopelessness into my voice, I hope it's enough to convince her.

"Wow, sounds like you got really lucky," she touches my arm in comfort. She's an amazing actress but I like to think I'm coming a close second.

"I know, I would have died if my gift wasn't healing," I reach up and touch my neck with the tips of my fingers. I see her eyes track the movement and darken, she's remembering too.

We arrive in class and our conversation halts. I feel confident that I've passed her test, now I just have to do it again and again.

Until I kill her.

The murderous thought consumes me; my rage is back in full force. I've never killed anyone before, in fact I've only hurt people in self-defense. I want to kill her, but I can't until I have a plan. I will need to be smart and bide my time until I can do it without being caught.

I've heard stories about what high priestesses go through when they ascend, they see a thousand paths and a thousand futures. The path I need to take will become clear. The path to revenge.

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