30. Scotch and Stupid

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Amelia finds me the floor of the study a few minutes after I return, she takes one look at my tear stained face before she falls to the floor next to me.

"We broke up," I mumble.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry," she wraps her arms around me in a hug; she holds me until I stop crying, "Boys are stupid."

"The stupidest," I agree thinking about Nate's stupid vows.

"Want me to turn all his clothing pink?" Amelia offers brightly catching me off guard.

"What?"  I wipe the tears from my face.

"I've been having trouble with a color change spell; everything ends up pink," she explains.

"He'd probably still look good in it." He looks good in everything, why is he so damn sexy.

"Trust me, pink's not his color," she says dramatically.

"At least he has one flaw," I concede, I still miss him.

"He has lots of flaws," she counters.

"Like what?" I'm seriously drawing a blank, beneath all his flirty antics he's a good person, he cares about his kingdom and its people.

"He's always late to class and he chews weird," she shakes her head sadly like they are the worst crimes in the world.

"He chews weird?" Seriously, that's all she can come up with.

"Yeah, he takes these massive mouthfuls then has to make these huge chewing motions; it's unnatural," she says animatedly before trying to demonstrate what she means. She looks ridiculous.

"Uh huh," I say trying not to laugh

"You'd think as a prince he would know better," she lectures.

"We don't all have time to cut our food into tiny squares," I raise an eyebrow at her.

"I do not!" Amelia cries outraged.

"Uh huh,"  I pretend to agree.

"So feeling better?"  she rubs my arm and gives me a small squeeze.

"You're a great distracter," she even managed to get me to laugh a little.

"I aim to please," she seems overly smug.

"So this party?"  

"Oh, we don't have to go to that, we can stay here and eat sugary food and I can tell you about Nate's other flaws,"  she tucks a piece of my dark hair back and gives me a supportive smile.

"I think I want to go, it's a Friday night, I could really use more distractions and fun," I think if I stay here and wallow I'll end up in a depressed funk.  

"Ok then let's fix your makeup," she stands and pulls me up off the floor with her, she flicks her hair over her shoulder and her attention lands on something behind me. She gets a mischievous smile as she skips around me a swipes the decanter of scotch, hugging it to her chest. "The adult version of a band aid," she explains before running out of the room.

I laugh at her and chase her back to her room, she collapses on her bed and takes a swig before passing it to me, "Was that really necessary?" I say slightly out of breath before taking my own sip.

"Of course; running away makes it feel like we are doing something bad," she says taking the bottle back from me and having a longer drink.

I make my way over to her vanity and start removing the black smudges under my eyes. It doesn't help much my eyes are red and my skin is all splotchy, "Do you have anything that can help with this?" I say drawing a circle around my face with my hand.

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