Authors Note

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First off I just want to say thanks for reading my story. It's my very first book so please be gentle with me and try not to crush all my hopes and dreams.

That being said, I would love to hear all your feedback, there's always room for improvement and I am happy to do whatever to help improve your reading experience.

This is just a first draft so there may be some plot holes and spelling errors, I'll try to proof the chapters a few times but a few errors will probably get through.

I really wanted to create a story with a strong female lead. Just because those are the type of stories I prefer to read. And without giving too much away I also wanted her to be the one driving the story rather than the story happening to her, where she is just a victim of unfortunate events

I think my main inspiration for this book came from one line in the song Mad World by Gary Jules.

"The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."

I don't those words just spoke to me and this whole story just developed from there. Anyway I hope you like Hunting Royalty.

I'll try to update everyday!

This book is Copyrighted so please don't steal it etc. etc.

Enjoy my lovelies <3

Copyright © 2016 Rebecca Knighton

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