24. Dancing and Death

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Fiona, the maid who caught me earlier, helps me get ready for the ball. I've selected a strapless ballgown with a gold lace bodice and a full skirt made from a material that looks like liquid gold. It's gorgeous. I wear my hair in a classic twist bun, and my makeup is a dark and smoky around the eye with a nude lip. I decided not to wear a necklace but instead wear massive chandelier earrings made from yellow diamonds.

Fiona departs and I strap my weapons on under the skirt. If all goes to plan I won't need them, I strap them on anyway, at the least they will make me feel more secure.  The dress is a little lighter than the last ballgown I wore but the short sword is still invisible. A knock interrupts me adding to my weapons collection under my dress. Nate lets himself in just in time to see me drop my skirt back into place.

"Don't stop on my account." Nate is wearing classic black coat tails, but they are trimmed in gold and adorned with gold buttons. It's subtle but he's dressed to match me. He holds out a hand to me, "Accompany me to the ball?"

I wrap my fingers around his, the warmth of his hand spreads through me. "So I guess we are announcing ourselves as a couple."

"That's the plan." He twirls me around making my dress flare out. "You look stunning." He pulls me against his chest and kisses me. The warmth becomes a slow burn.

I smile against his lips, "You're full of sweet words today."

"I know, I'm totally winning this courtship thing," he grins a self-satisfied smile.

"I'm not a prize," I roll my eyes at his playfulness.

"Sure you are, a sparkly gold one." He pats my dress and tucks my arm under his.

We make our way to the ballroom, only a few people have arrived; Nate needed to be here early to host with his parents.  Laurelle's plans has come together beautifully, hundreds of candles hang from the ceiling in frosted glass spheres, they glow a soft yellow giving the room a warm romantic ambiance.  Gold vines twine around the pillars on the edge of the room, thousands of orange red and brown leaves have been painstakingly attached to the vines.  The vines have been enchanted to shift creating a rustling of leaves. It's beautiful and magical.

Over the next hour people fill the ballroom.  Nate greets and chats with a majority of them as they arrive. I look for girls in emerald dresses but I don't see anyone who could match my vision.

Nate keeps me tucked into his side, he finds plenty of opportunities to touch me on my back and arms, he evens tucks a piece of my hair back into place. There is no doubt that we are making our debut as a couple. When the Norwood's approach us Nate kisses me lightly on the temple. Clara's eye visibly twitches in anger. I don't like the idea of rubbing our relationship in Clara's face but I understand what he is doing. He's making it clear that I am his choice.

We greet a few more guests before the music starts up and Nate leads me through a waltz. I don't remember being so happy, everything about this night is perfect, it is a shame that it can't last. 

"You make me so happy," I whisper in his ear, I want to hold onto this moment.  

"That's all I want," he turns his face into the crook of my neck, his words brush against my skin like a caress.  I feel my heartbeat accelerate, if only we weren't in a crowded room right now.  We dance a handful more dances before Nate and I separate to dance with other people.  

Half the ball has passed and nothing has happened out of the ordinary. I keep track of the platters of food that the footmen are serving but I see no sign of rum balls. Maybe M was wrong about how I was poisoned.

I feel a tug on my dress followed by a ripping sound. I turn to see who has stepped on my dress but I can't see the culprit. I twist to look over my shoulder but I can't see the extent of the damage. I head out of the ballroom and into the ladies retiring room. There is a full length mirror in the corner and I use it to look at the damage to the back of my dress, a large tear rises about a foot from my hem. I sigh, it's pretty obvious since the underskirt is black.

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