40. Ominous and Objects

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I peel open my eyes, they stick together with sleep. They feel like they have been closed for a very long time. Blinding light streaks in from the window, it pierces my eyes causing me to squint and try to blink it away. Slowly they adjust and I recognize the familiar surroundings of my childhood bedroom.

"Morning sleepyhead."

I turn towards the voice and see Kayden sitting next to my bed, "Morning," I say, my voice is thick and rough with disuse. Speaking causes my lips to crack, I lick them to try and add some moisture back into them. I swallow and notice how dry my whole mouth is. "Water," I croak out.

Kayden summons a glass and hands it to me. I use my other hand to lever myself into a sitting position and take greedy gulps of the refreshing liquid. When I finish the glass, I feel a thousand times better. 

"So tell me, how hot is my wife?" says Kayden.

"Sorry, you died a gruesome death," I retort, wincing for added effect.

"As long as I go out in a blaze of glory," he shrugs off my comment unconcerned.

"If you count being stabbed in your sleep by a jealousy ex a blaze of glory," I lower my voice in seriousness and add slight frown as I stare at him with concern.

"I can't tell if you're still joking," he pulls at his collar nervously; it looks like he's trying to form a mental list of all the girls crazy enough to kill him. I can't keep a straight face any longer. I laugh. "Wicked creature," he accuses.

His playful accusation wipes the mirth from my face, "Not yet, but soon."

"That bad, huh?"

"Yeah. Can you catch me up on everything I missed?" I know it's been about a week since I was conscious, a lot can happen in a week.

"Don't you already know?" he looks confused.

"I'm not omniscient," I reply.  I saw the important future events but not every single thing that will happen. It was more like a key points version.

"Oh, I think my gift is still cooler then," Kayden flexes and reclines in his chair kicking his feet up to rest on the bed.

"Yeah, this one really sucks," I concede, I pour myself a second glass of water and take a small sip.

"I made sure I got all your guests back the next morning, I told them you had gone home to be alone. Nate and Sam were both looking for you. The gossip is everywhere; the king has been trying to get in contact with me and Marie," he recaps.

I can guess why the boys were looking for me, both of them probably wanted to talk about that night. I feel a thrill of excitement weave through me as I remember but it's quickly dowsed by a tendril of dread for what is going to happen next.

"Kayden you need to stay here for the time being, you and Marie both. I'm going to take care of everything," I say. I need to keep them out of the way and safe so the rebels can't take advantage of their announcement. The only one who is going to capitalize on it is me.

"Ominous. Are you sure I can't help?" he looks worried, he knows me well enough that he sees how badly I'm shaken. He's probably imagining all kinds of worst case scenarios; they are probably nowhere near the truth. I'll have to tell him soon, but not yet.

"Not yet, your part will come later." The timing is crucial; everything must happen in specific time and place. I need to recreate each of the pivotal events exactly.

"You starting to sound like Marie," he complains.

"I think I understand her better now," sometime during my ascension, I found a way to forgive her.

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