44. Dinner and Dessert

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"Where are you taking me?" I reach up to try to peel back the hands covering my eyes. He presses them tighter against me face, pulling my back against his chest.

"Not yet, we are nearly there," Nate's husky voice whispers into my ear. I sigh and let my fingers trace down his forearms giving up on trying to free myself.

"I don't like surprises," I mumble unhappily.

"You better like it, I spent all week planning this," he nudges me to keep walking his feet close behind my own.

"If I hate it-"

"You won't," he interrupts.

"If I hate it, you have to buy me apology ice cream," I bargain.

"Sure," he agrees far too quickly.

"And do a strip tease," I add smirking.

"If you want to see me naked you can just ask," cockiness coats his voice and he presses against me suggestively from behind.

"Pass. Been there, done that, wasn't impressed," I shrug off his advance by taking a larger step forward.

"Oh please, I rocked your world," he lowers his voice and presses a light kiss on the side of my neck, I feel a tingle where he kissed me.

"If you say so," my voice is breathy, I can feel my heart beating a quick tempo in response to my memories.

"I say so. It was the best night of my life, so I'm sure it was the best night of your life," he confesses against my skin as kisses further down my neck.

"The best huh?"

He clears his throat, "We're here." He pulls his hands away from my face and I finally get to see where he's brought me.

"Harley's?" I turn in his arms to look at him.

"This is where we first met," he smiles down at me and I can't help my answering smile.

"I remember," I respond.  He leads me inside, its exactly like I remember except its deserted and only a single table is set in the middle of the restaurant. There are some romantic candles and a single red flower in a vase, "Is that a tulip?"

"They're your favorite, right?" he confirms as he pulls out a chair for me.

"Yes. You're a closet romantic, aren't you?" I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting in the offered chair. He pushes me in and takes his own seat opposite.

"It's one of those prince things," he gives me a charming smile and opens his menu.

"It's cute."

"No, it's super manly and sexy," he pouts disgruntled.

I laugh at him, "Whatever you say."

"You should say it."

"I'm not stroking your ego," I say trying to hold back from laughing so I don't bruise his ego further.

"You can always stroke something else if you prefer," he raises his eyebrow suggestively.

I shake my head and roll my eyes at him. I'd forgotten how playful and flirty he could be, things between us have been off for a while, since the ball. I've missed this side of him, not that I'd ever admit it. He keeps up the flirty banter all through dinner, I laugh so much my stomach hurts.

"This is nice."

"I guess I don't owe you apology ice cream but I may still throw in the strip tease later. Come on," he grabs my hand and pulls me up from the table and closer to him.

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