1. Disguises and Discussions

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I close my eyes in preparation, I tend to get distracted if I watch. There is something disconcerting about watching your features change and I usually lose my focus and mess up the spell. I take a deep, steadying breath and visualize drawing a tendril on energy out of my center and towards my head.

I speak the rhythmic words of the spell and feel a slight tingling on my scalp.

Once the sensations stop, I flick my eyes open to see if it worked. Captivating emerald eyes, framed by thick lashes stare back at me from the mirrored glass that is fixed to my vanity table. My plump pink lips part in pleasant surprise as I realize the spell worked perfectly.

I eagerly lean closer to the mirror to give my appearance a closer inspection. High cheekbones give my face a sharpness that prevents me from appearing to innocent and my skin is clear except for a small scar that is mostly hidden by the hair on my temple. My face is framed by thick dark brown hair which cascades down my back in soft curls.

The joy, of successfully doing a spell I have been working on for so long, wears off as the reality of why I need this spell in the first place, settles over me. I feel a touch insecure as the possibly that I won't be beautiful enough to do what I need to, or worse, someone could recognize me.

The spell changed my hair and eye colour but all my facial features are the same. I kind of like it, for once I resemble my father, I always wanted his eyes and now I finally have them.

I close my eyes and focus on drawing up my magic before uttering the counter spell.

My eyes open, they are now returned to their natural color of deep blue and my hair is pale blonde. Just like my mother.

I don't remember much of my mother, she left when I was young, but I do recall she used to sing to me and stroke my hair as I fell asleep.

She had a beautiful voice and made me feel so safe in her arms. I thought that meant she loved me and I had all kinds of girlish fantasies about why she couldn't return to us. It's been a long time since I gave up on her returning, she abandoned us and our small corner of the world.

I no longer remember her face or her smile and we don't have any pictures of her but my father tells me that I look just like her. It's the one remaining reminder of her that I can't get rid of.

That's why I need the disguising spell. I assume she returned to whatever life she had before she married my father and the last thing I want, is for everyone who knows her to recognise me as her daughter. I have no intention of making it easy for someone to link me to her.

A soft knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. "Come in," I call as I straighten the skirt of my dress.

"Captain Charles requests your presence in his study," the young maid says.

"Thank you, Charlotte," I reply. I rise and collect my fan before heading out of my room. I resist the urge to grab a handful of my skirts and lift them up so it's easier to walk. I hate how heavy the dress is but it's what's in fashion and I need to adjust.

I turn down several wide hallways before descending a flight of stairs to the second floor. Davenport Manor is our family home and primary residence. It sits atop a hill and gives us a spectacular view of the town and harbor.

It's built in a large U shape with east and west wings. Most of the west wing is closed off, unless we have guests visiting, but it still takes an unfortunate amount of time to get from one place to another. In fact, I can only remember one time when the entire house was in use and that was when the Itarian royals visited with a very large contingent of courtiers.  I round the final corner and open the door to my father's private study.

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