Chapter 16

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Ugh I thought this chapter was so bad. I'll rewrite it in the morning, when I can actually think ;_; So yeah, I'll let you know after I go over it~


Blaire’s POV

About fifteen minutes after Grayson had left previously in the day, I felt some sort of odd pang in my chest. And that odd feeling lingered there. But I brushed it off— it’s just the cold air outside, yeah?

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Justin was taking a sip out of a big cup filled with Kool Aid. I stared at it enviously, burning holes into the cup,



“Pleaaase?” I stared at the Kool-Aid cup in his hands. “One sip?”

“No,” Justin swallowed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “You wanna pee in the bed again like you did when you were five?” he laughed to himself, setting his cup down.

I glared at him like a moose would, with its angry buckteeth and ugly snorts. But all Justin did was continue to laugh at me.

Don’t look at me like that! It’s not my fault that I have bladder issues. Sure, maybe I do drink a little too much before bed. But it wasn’t necessary for Justin to tell the whole damn world.

I sighed, dragging my toe in the dirt. He’s probably right. I shouldn’t drink too much before bed.

After all, Justyduck’s just looking out for me.

Even if it was something as dumb as a bladder issue. Right?

Jordan’s POV

I’m ready to drag Justin by the head, beat him up with a stick, and toss him into the lake and leave him there.

How can he just laugh at Blaire like that?

Sure, maybe Blaire does have some issues. I sure do admire Justin for how he tells everyone Blaire’s goddamn personal issues.

I hand Blaire my cup and he squeals momentarily before drinking it down. I’m not about to deny Blaire any drink, unlike Justadick.

Justin sighs at me before turning away, staring at the dying fire. Aunt Cecilia must have noticed, because she’s ripping up newspapers and stabbing the fire with a stick, trying to get it to burn up again.

“Goddammit, Grayson,” she mutters under her breath, trying to make the fire warmer.

“Why Grayson?” Blaire pipes up.

“Because he usually does this.”

I don’t like Grayson, but that doesn’t mean I hate him either. In fact, I’d prefer him to what he calls “Justadick.”

Grayson’s an expert at being an asshole, but to be honest, me and him aren’t that much different. We both see things differently; only thing is, he speaks his mind, and I cover everything up with a lovely smile.

Come on. I’m pretty damn attractive.

Blaire hands my cup back to me, empty, and beams, staring at the now dead-fire. “Where’s Grayson?” Blaire asks, looking at me. I shrug, digging the cup into the dirt below me.

“No, seriously,” Blaire continues, waving his hands around. “Where is he?”

“I don’t know,” Justin growls, standing up to go over to Talia. “And I don’t care either.”


“I don’t know,” I shrug apologetically. “I’m sorry.”

And I don’t know why, but Blaire starts panicking. “Jordy, I saw him this morning.”

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