Chapter Thirty Five

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"My first Green Day concert."

"Ladies the band would like to invite you backstage."

"He pulled his hotel key from his back pocket."

"I had a one night stand with Billie Joe Armstrong."

"He wants me to meet him in New York.. For dinner."

"This was more then sex."

"She's here, hide in the closet."

"I'm serious about us Aria."

"Take a picture it will last longer, he laughed."

"Move in with me. Transfer schools."

"I hugged my family and Zoe goodbye. New York here I come."

"I want children Billie. I'm still young."

"You must be Aria. I'm Joey this is my brother Jakob."

"What will you be pink or blue?"

"New York isn't permanent it never was. My life is in California."

"Because dad, home is where Green Day takes us."

"I looked out the window as the plane drifted into the air. Until next time.."

"It's Zoe, she's- she's dead."

"Congratulations it's a girl."

"Let the balloons go, say goodbye Aria."

"I loved her you know.."

"Joey and I would get through this together, we would come out of this stronger."

"You bought a house!!"

"Who is she?"

"I was standing on Adrienne Armstrong's doorstep."

"Well I met a girl named lady cobra."

"A had found a friend in an enemy."

"Love always, former Stray Heart."

July 13th 11:11pm.

Billie Joes POV.

"Five pounds, seven ounces. Lungs are clear." The nurse yelled to the doctor.

"Your baby girl Mr. Armstrong." A beautiful bundle of pink was placed into my arms. Red cheeks and a full head of golden brown hair. "My daughter." The words sounded strange but just right.

"She's a stubborn one, nearly six weeks early." A nurse stood next to me now. I laughed quietly. "Yeah, stubborn runs in the family.." She nodded. "Your wife will be out of surgery soon, she's lost a lot of blood but she will be okay." "Oh she's not my wi-." I stopped myself. "Thank you." I smiled politely. "I'll leave you alone." She left the room. "Just me and you little one."

"Hi." I smiled down. "Let's have a heart to heart." I paused. "You're my only daughter I will do everything in my power to protect you. You're going to hate me sometimes but you have two older brothers who will explain to you my ways." I laughed. "Okay, okay I'll wrap this up. Always know that you are my heart walking around outside my body." Her little eyes blinked open. A startling green, my own eyes staring back at me. She made me weak and breathless. "Looks like I'm gonna get my payback. Heartbreaker.." I whispered.

"Mr. Armstrong." We are going to need a name for the birth certificate. I blinked. "Her name is Layla. Layla Zoe Armstrong." My life.


*the end.* My new story Loving Layla (His Stray Heart book two.) will be coming soon.

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