Chapter Seven

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"Billie, where are we exactly? It's kind of creepy." I was standing on a large cliff looking straight down into a river, as incredible as the scenery was I was horrified. "It's the Palisades, I come here every time I'm in New York." He said very manor of fact like. "Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked sarcastically. "Like what?" "Well maybe you are an ax murderer after all." He laughed and reached his hand out to me. "I promise I won't hurt you just trust me." There was something about the way he said this that made me feel safe. The truth was I did trust him. Okay so sure.. He might of been a lying adulterer but I still wasn't filled in on the whole situation. Actually to my surprise he was yet to even say Adrienne's name with the exception of the other night when we first met. I took his hand and held on tight. We walked slowly and carefully across the cliff until we reached the highest point. My heels were off now I had left them in the car as Billie requested I do. My hair was in a pony tail and I was beginning to feel like Indiana Jone's wife.. We sat down and Billie slid his arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder. I finally worked up the nerve to ask some questions. I figured now that Billie had made it clear that he wanted more then just one night with me I had every right to want answers. "Billie.." "Yeah babe?" He looked sympathetic. "You're married." I made no attempt to sugar coat this. He knew this wasn't a statement but a question. "Yeah, I am." "Tell me about her." I spit the words out and soon regretted it. I felt sick to my stomach. Who was I kidding? I didn't want to know about Adrienne I would of felt better pretending she never even existed but I knew that wasn't the case and I wanted Billie to know I cared. "Who?" He asked. "Your wife.." He was playing dumb. "Oh.. I.. I don't want to talk about that right now." I wasn't expecting that but I was almost relieved. I decided not to push him. "Okay.. Are you happy with her?" I knew this was a stupid question. He looked at me curiously. "Would I be sitting here with you if I was?" I didn't speak, neither did he. Instead we watched the still of the water radiating from the glow of the moon. The trees rustled gently in the distance. I never knew New York had such incredible scenery like this. We stayed this way for the next hour until I started shivering. "Come on it's late you need to sleep." I stood up without arguing, he was right I was exhausted it had been a long two days. We walked back to his car and for some strange reason I looked forward to the drive.

"Aria, wake up we're home." I opened my eyes to see Billie gently shaking me, I must of fallen asleep during the drive. "Home?" I was groggy and confused. Billie let out a little laugh. "Yes, home." I was expecting a hotel but instead I was in a drive way staring at a small house. We got out of the car and I watched Billie pull a key out of his pocket and open the front door. An alarm went off and he quickly punched in a code which deactivated it. I looked around at my surroundings my eyes still half closed. The first thing I seen was a living room with a big tv and a wrap around couch surrounded by a giant glass wall. The kitchen was to my right with beautiful black and gold swirled granite counter tops and dark wood cabinets. Down the hall from the kitchen were three bedrooms the master which I assumed was Billies and two guest rooms. There were two bathrooms one in the master bedroom and one in the middle of each guest room. The entire house was only one story and you could tell it wasn't occupied very often. "This is yours?" I asked him. "Yeah living out of a hotel can get exhausting figured I'd invest in something more homey. You like?" "I love actually." "Good" and before I could speak I felt his lips on mine. He was kissing me and all of a sudden my body went numb. He broke away from me. "We have plenty of time for that tomorrow, besides you taste better when you're awake." I taste better? Oh my.. He lead me into the master bedroom where I excused myself to the bathroom. I turned the sink on and waited until the water turned warm. I splashed my face until all of my makeup was washed off and then I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I slid my dress off and heaved a sigh of relief as I watched it hit the ground. I picked it up and folded it in half leaving it hanging over the sink neatly. I was in a cream colored lace bra and matching panties, I planned on asking for a t shirt after I was finished but I knew this would be my only chance to snoop around. I opened the cabinets of the bathroom vanity first. They were empty so I moved to the lower ones. There was a pack of neutrogena naturals make up wipes, a box of tampons, a hair straightener with the cord wrapped up neatly, a set of hair ties and clips and a little travel bag of make up. Yup it was safe to say a woman or women had been here before. I heard the door knob turn and before I had a chance to get up off my knees from my snoop mission Billie was standing in the door way. "Need some help?" He asked me. "Um.. No.. Just looking for these!" I was holding up the box of tampons in a sad attempt at covering up how my curiosity got the best of me. Billie had an amused look on his face "You were looking for tampons?" "Uh.. Yeah ya know just in case.." My face turned red and I threw the box back under the sink while I silently cursed myself for being so stupid. Billie on the other hand was in a fit of laughter. It's just dandy he finds amusement out of my embarrassment. I shoved past him and made my way to the bed where I climbed under the covers and lay there silently. "Can I have a t shirt please?" I asked him annoyed. I watched him make his way over to one of the dressers and pull out a white shirt. He sat down on the bed next to me and handed it to me with a smirk still on his face. I pulled it over my head while Billie handed me the remote to the tv. "See you in the morning sunshine." He said to me while kissing my forehead. I fell asleep peacefully that night to the vision of sad green eyes.

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