Chapter Nine

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Breathe, Aria, Breathe I reminded myself silently. My knees were pulled up to my chest my head resting against them. The bedroom door flew open. "Where is she?" I didn't need to see a face to know whose voice it was. Adrienne. "God what are you talking about?" I could hear the frustration in Billies voice. "Like you don't know! You've ignored all of my phone calls and all of my texts for the past two days! Two days Billie! It doesn't take a genius to realize what's going on here." "Adrienne I've been busy you're over thinking things again." The room fell silent. "And as you can see theres nobody here. Well.. Except Tre but if he is who you're referring to I can assure you there's nothing to worry about.." She cut him off. "Oh shut up! You're a damn good musician Billie but you are a sad excuse for a husband." I shuddered at her harsh words. Billie sighed loudly like a child who was being scolded by his mother. "You haven't touched me in months." Adrienne sounded desperate now. At that moment my heart ached with sympathy for her. "Let's not talk about this right now, okay? I have an interview tonight and I'm running short on time." I knew this was a lie. There was no interview. He didn't want to have this conversation with Adrienne because he knew I was in the closet listening to their every word. "Fine, I'm leaving." "Where are you going?" He asked. "Back to California, back to the life that I once lived with you, back to the home that you abandoned." Defeat was clear in her voice. She stayed put as if hoping Billie would throw his hands in the air, realize his wrongs and take the flight back home with her. That was not the case though and what a shame because for a minute I was actually rooting for her. "Have a safe flight, call me when you're in Oakland." He cleared his throat. I heard foot steps and a moment later the front door slammed shut but I didn't dare move from my hiding spot. The closet creaked open, Billie was standing over me his hand extended for me to take hold of. He could see the sadness in my eyes and I could see the regret in his. I placed my hand in his and he helped me up. "Welcome to my world Aria."

"Billie what the fuck was that?" Billie, Tre and I were all standing in the kitchen. "That, was my wife." He emphasized "that" as if she was a monster instead of a human being. My mind was still reeling from what had just happened. I was shaking so bad I could barely dress myself. "I know who it was! But why.. And how..? Before I could get any answers my phone started ringing. It was a number I didn't recognize, I hesitated but decided to pick up. "Hello?" I asked nervously. I clicked on speaker, I could tell Billie was overly curious as to who it was also. "Little sister!" The voice on the other end startled me. It was my brother. Billie raised his eyebrow at me questioningly. "Mason I haven't heard from you in months how are you? Please tell me you're safe.." My brother had been deployed to Baghdad for well over a year now it was his second tour as a United States Marine. "Oh I'm fine you know just missing a few fingers." He laughed, I on the other hand didn't find humor in his war jokes. I rolled my eyes. "No but really I'm calling because I have some amazing news! Im finally coming home Ar!" My jaw dropped and a huge smile spread across my face. "You're kidding!?" I yelled. "I wouldn't joke about that dummy!" Of course he jokes about losing his fingers but I'm absurd for thinking he would joke about returning home. "Oh my god Mason! Have you called mom and dad yet?" "No you were my first call ill get to them next. How are things? How is Zoe? Have you moved on from the asshole yet?" Billies face was now closer to the phone then mine was I pushed him away and gave him a dirty look, he shrugged his shoulders at me. Tre was nearly rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter. The asshole that my brother was referring to was my recently ex boyfriend Rob. "Ya know I think I'm just about over him." I replied while looking at Billie, he smiled at me. "Does that mean there's a new man in your life?" Typical Mason, always so curious. "Well.. Uh.. No not really.. Well maybe.." I stuttered having not the slightest clue on how to answer his question. "Good for you baby sis! I'll be home on Thursday and don't worry I will let mom and dad know about the new guy joining us for my homecoming dinner! I love you." "Wait! Mason no!" It was too late he had already hung up. I put my phone down and threw my head into the palms of my hands. "Why me?" I asked not realizing I had said it out loud. Tre cleared his throat "Looks like Billie is meeting the rents!"

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