Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Here take a sip of this." Billie was holding a glass of water in front of my face, I pushed it away. "I hate hospitals." I grumbled. A nurse walked through the door. "Believe it or not I hate them too." She laughed. "I'm going to take your blood pressure now, is that okay?" She asked me. "I guess so.." I replied. "The ultrasound technician will be up in a few minutes she's going to take a look at the baby." She said again with a smile on her face. What the hell was she so happy about? I thought to myself. I ignored her and looked up at Billie. "How's Joey?" I asked, afraid of his response. "He's okay.. Adrienne's taking the next flight to New York." There was a tiny mirror on the wall in front of me. My eyes were glass, my skin pale and blotchy. I looked like a porcelain doll who had been smashed into a million tiny pieces. "Is that me?" I asked horrified. Billie followed my gaze to the mirror. "You've been through a lot today love, cut yourself a break." He removed the mirror from the wall. "I can't believe she's gone." I whispered to myself. Once again tears stained my cheeks. "I know." He began "I know.." I wiped my eyes with a tissue when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Billie said. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair walked through the door carting an ultrasound machine behind her. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything." She said sweetly. "It's been a long day." He was solemn as he responded to her. "Do you want to talk about it?" She looked at me. Jeez was she a therapist or a technician? I thought. She placed a blanket over my legs and moved my gown above my stomach. "There was an accident.." I began. "My best friend.. More like my sister.. She's go.. Gone." I choked my words out. I read her name tag 'Tricia Foltz' in tiny black letters plastered onto it. She gave me a compassionate smile as she oozed blue goo onto my belly and took her seat at the screen. "My grandmother once told me, it's the circle of life." She clicked a few keys. "Circle of life?" I asked her confused. "In order for a new life to be born, somebody else has to leave this world.." I tilted my head to the side. She giggled. "Think of it like this.." She paused. "Your friend sacrificed for your child." I choked back my sobs. "Yeah. Maybe." I whispered. I looked up at the computer screen. "Is that-" I began. "It is. That's the baby." She said pointing to the heartbeat. Billie was standing at the side of my bed with his hand on my leg. "But.. But.. That's not a peanut. It has a face!" I yelled a little to loudly. He laughed hysterically. She smiled amused. "A face, a spine, fingers and toes." Billie and I looked at each other. "Would you like to know the gender?" She asked casually. He looked at me for an answer. "Um.. Yes.. If we can. Please." I sputtered out. "See this right here?" She asked pointing to the screen again. "Not really.." He replied squinting his eyes now. "What is it?" I asked. "Congratulations you're having a little girl." The room fell silent. "A.. A girl.. Oh my god." Billies jaw had dropped. "Are you sure?" He asked again. She laughed. "Yes I'm sure. Do you have a name picked out?" She looked towards me. Billie cleared his throat. "Well.. We have a first name. No middle name." He said smiling now. "We have a name.." I declared quietly. The two of them looked at me. "Well what's it gonna be?" Her eyes were a deep blue of curious. "Layla." I began

"Layla Zoe Armstrong."

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