Chapter Twenty Two

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"Ya know we can't stay in New York forever Aria." Billie took a sip of his coffee as he spoke. My smile turned into a frown. "Well.. Why not?" I asked him. "Because this isn't my home and it isn't your home either." I used my finger to twirl the straw around in my glass of orange juice. "Oh.." I mumbled sadly. Billie placed his hand over mine. "I think the baby should be born in California." He pointed to his left as if California was our neighbor and not thousands of miles away. "But Billie.." I began to sulk now. "It's non negotiable Ar. I told you New York wasn't permanent my life is in Oakland." I rolled my eyes. "Well my life is here." He looked at me strange. "I mean not here here but in New Jersey and Manhattan is a hell of a lot closer than Oakland." I said this as if he was unaware of the distance. "What about my mom.. And my dad and brother and sister.." My eyes widened in horror now. "What about ZOE!?" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic." Jesus when did he become so cynical, I thought to myself. It had been a week since the disastrous confrontation between all of us and I was happy to say things had begun to blow over. Joey and Zoe decided it was worth letting go of the past and giving each other a fair chance. Tre was now referring to himself as "uncle Tre" which he insisted the baby would be calling him. And Jakob was becoming overly thrilled at the thought of having a little brother or sister. "The baby can't be born in California my doctor is here." I pointed out to him manor of fact like. "So you're telling me theres not one doctor in California who could deliver our baby?" He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him. "Fine!" I yelled exasperated. "When do you plan on moving me to hell?" I asked. "I was thinking.." He began. "We'll go back with Joey and Jake." He looked away as he said this. "But.. But that's in two days!" I stuttered. "I know baby." He was compassionate now. Joey and Zoe walked into the kitchen, his arm was around her waist. "What's in two days?" Joey asked. "Trip back home." Billie took his last gulp of coffee and placed his mug in the sink. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Joey and Zoe exchange a look. "Oh. I'm not going home." Joey said flatly. Billie laughed. "What do you mean you're not going home?" He asked annoyed. Zoe cut in. I knew she was up to something when her please give me what I want expression took over. "We were kind of hoping we could stay here.." She said sweetly. "We?" I asked her. "Yes we." Joey began. "There's a lot of opportunity here for us. Zoe can transfer colleges and I was already accepted into NYU for next fall." They smiled at each other. "Where do you plan on staying?" Billie asked curiously. "Here." Joey replied. "We would pay rent of course.." Zoe jumped in anxiously. Billie looked towards me as if waiting for my approval. I waved my hand in the air defeated. "If your mother says it's fine then why not.. Might teach you some responsibility." Joey stared at him. "I'm not a little kid anymore dad, I'm nineteen. I don't need mommy's permission.." Billie stood silently in deep thought. "Okay then." He said slowly. Zoe jumped up and down excitedly. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She screamed. Joey began to laugh. "Isn't she adorable?" He aimed this question at Billie and I. I stood up and slammed my hands down on the table. "Well that's just great.. Just great!" I yelled. All eyes were on me. "Zoe's staying in New York my family is in New Jersey and I'm being forced to move all the way across the country!" Billie moved his hand towards my back but I swatted him away. "I'm fat, I'm nauseous and now I'm alone! That's just the icing on the cake isn't it?" I seethed. "You're not alone honey, you still have me and the guys and Jakob and of course the baby.." I plastered a fake smile across my face. "Wonderful." I said sarcastically. Zoe began to speak. "Hey don't be upset.. I'll come out to California for the birth.." She paused. "Better yet I'll throw you the baby shower in California right on the beach!" She smiled reassuringly. I grabbed my car keys from off the counter and began to walk away. "Can't wait.." I mumbled. "Aria where are you going!?" Billie yelled after me. I opened my car door and slid my key into the ignition as fast as I could. I didn't want to be stopped I just wanted to be alone. I drove to the only place I was familiar with, Green Days recording studio. I pulled into the empty parking lot and searched for the key to the building. My hand shook as I unlocked the door. "Hello?" I called out. "Mike, Tre? You here?" Nothing.. Tears began to fall from my face. A voice caught my attention but not just any voice a woman's voice. Suddenly my mind flashed back to that sad morning in Billies bedroom closet. Her distressed words pleading with him to take her back. "Eventually we all show up here with tears in our eyes.." I whipped my head around. "Adrienne." I whispered.

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