Chapter Sixteen

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"Billie get the door please!!" I yelled from the kitchen as I used my oven mitt to swat away smoke from the stove. "Yes dear!" He yelled back sarcastically. I heard the front door open and immediately recognized my mothers voice. "Oh my god!" She shrieked. "Something is on fire!" She was panicking now. "Oh no Anna that's just your daughter attempting to cook a ham.." Billie said flatly. I heard my dads booming laugh "this one time she burnt spaghetti o's.." I ran into the entry way and cut him off. "Okay okay we get it Arias a shitty cook, moving on now!" I laughed and gave my parents a hug. "Where's Mason and Tessa?" I asked them. "Oh Masons bringing the presents in from the car but Tess.. Well she couldn't make it, I'm sorry honey." My moms look turned sympathetic. "Billie why don't you go help Mason with the gifts?" I asked him. "Sure thing babe." He smiled and walked outside. "Mom, dad come on in let me show you around." I gave them a tour and listened to their oohs and ah's. My mom stood fascinated at the glass wall in the living room. I handed her a cup of coffee and left her to admire the New York scenery. "Fuck! Watch where you're going Mason!" I heard a yell from the doorway. It was Zoe. A smile beamed across my face. "Zoe!" I yelled. "I didn't know you were coming!" I began to walk towards her now. A half smile formed on her face as she shrugged her shoulders. "Surprise!" She shrieked. She looked absolutely beautiful her long chocolate brown hair was sleek and straightened. I could tell she took the time to do her make up which made her blue eyes pop. She pulled me into a hug. "Your idiot of a brother just dropped what felt like a box of bricks on my foot." She rolled her eyes and I laughed. Mason glared at her. Billie walked back into the house with red and green wrapped gifts and placed them under the tree. "That's the last of em'." He said with a smile on his face. He walked over to me and placed his arm around my waste causing goosebumps to form all over my body. "Well let's get eating or unwrapping or something.." Mason said. "Be patient." I cut in. "We're just waiting on a couple of others to arrive then we can get started." Billie rubbed his hands together. I looked towards him confused. "Who else are we expecting?" I asked him. "You'll see." He smiled. "It's a surprise." And at that the front door flew open causing it to slam against the door stopper. As if on que we all stared forward half expecting an axe murderer to storm in. A dark haired boy with a huge smile beaming across his face walked in carrying a black suitcase. "Hey dad!" He yelled. It was Jakob. Billie walked over towards him and grabbed his bag. He hugged him tightly. "Where's Joey?" He asked. "I'm here I'm here.." Joey walked through the door mumbling loudly. He glanced around the room as if waiting for an explanation to pop out at him. I watched his eyes move from me to my mom and then over to Zoe. He moved towards us slowly. He put his hand out towards me. "I'm Joey." He said. I was numb. I shook his hand. "Aria. Nice to finally meet you." I gave him a warm smile. "Yeah you too." He turned towards Billie. "So.. Where's the food?" He asked. The entire room was silent now I assumed from shock but nobody dare say a word. "Oh yeah sure son lets eat.." Billie replied sarcastically but walked towards the kitchen anyway. We all followed and took our seats at the dining room table. I took my place between Billie and Zoe, on the other side my mom sat between my dad and Mason. Joey and Jakob were on each end. There was an awkward silence. Billie began to carve the ham. I had attempted a full Christmas meal mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, croissants and vegetarian lasagna for Billie. "Why does it smell like a dead body was lit on fire in here?" Joey asked curiously. My face turned red. "I.. Well I um.. I'm not the greatest cook, well I can cook but I'm not very good under pressure.. So.." I was rambling now, Billie jumped in to save me. "I'm sure it tastes a lot better then it smells anyway. Thank you for cooking Ar." He smiled at me. I watched as everyone took their first bite. There was no mistaking their looks of disgust. "Great just great I've ruined Christmas dinner." I threw my fork down and placed my head into the palms of my hands. Billie rubbed his hand on my back gently. When I peered up Joey and Jakob seemed unfazed by my sudden out burst. In fact they were the only ones still eating. I looked back and forth at both of them. "What? It's not that bad." Jakob sputtered with a mouth full of food. Joey reached over his plate for another scoop of potatoes. "So.." He started. "I know none of your names is there any chance I can get an introduction?" He looked towards Billie and I. "Oh.. I'm sorry I completely forgot. This is my mom and dad, my brother Mason I pointed in there direction. This is Zoe.. " I looked over at her. "Nice to meet all of you, I'm Joey, thats my brother Jake." He nodded at him. "Nice to meet you both." My mother said warmly. Everyone else followed her lead. I was in utter shock at how well they were handling this. I had half expected a temper tantrum and acting out, but then again they weren't seven years old either. "Good kids.." My father mumbled politely to Billie. He smiled proudly. "Thank you David." I squeezed Billies hand tightly. "Hey I have an idea." Mason chimed in. "Let's open presents maybe it will make up for the food." He said. I glared at him. We all made our way into the living room where we exchanged gifts. My moms expression when she received her Cartier diamond earrings was priceless. Zoe thanked Billie and I at least twenty five times for the assortment of gift cards we gave her. Joey and Jakob received various little gifts from Billie but he told them their real presents were waiting back home in Oakland. My dad and Mason were more then excited with their all expenses paid tickets to Alaska. They were hunters it was as good to them as Barbie vacationing in Malibu. "Oh I almost forgot!" Zoe passed me a small box wrapped in snow flake paper. I smiled at her and unwrapped it quickly. It was a beautiful silver infinity ring with the word sister engraved on the inside. I blinked twice to hold my tears back. "Zoe this is amazing, thank you so much." She hugged me. "My turn." Billie popped in. "You bought me something? When?" I asked curiously. "Oh I have my ways.." He smiled. I couldn't even begin to guess what it was, it certainly wasn't jewelry or clothing which I was secretly great full for. I tore off a piece of the paper. "Open it like a man!" Mason yelled loudly. I rolled my eyes and ignored him while everyone else laughed. I pulled off the front which revealed a small rectangular picture frame with a ticket stub inside. "You framed my first Green Day ticket?" I asked him nearly speechless. "Not just a ticket, it was the first time we met." His smile had turned shy. I placed my hands on each side of his face and kissed him. In that moment I didn't care who was watching. I pulled away from him and walked over towards the hall closet where I pulled out a video camera. "Um Aria I think you're supposed to bring the camera out BEFORE we open presents." Jakob pointed out to me sarcastically. I laughed. "What's that for?" Billie asked me. "Oh you'll see." I replied. I handed Billie his present from me. He sat down on the couch and held it in his hands. I could tell he was trying hard to guess what was inside. I turned the video camera on and moved it around the room. "Say Merry Christmas everyone!" I said cheerfully. Everyone yelled Merry Christmas and waved at the camera. I then turned it on Billie he was the only person being recorded. "Open it." I said. He tore the wrapping paper off revealing a large rectangular white box. He opened the top and moved aside all of the decorative white paper. His eyes widened and his face turned white. "What is it?" Zoe asked. Billie turned his focus on me. "Does this mean what I think it means?" He asked me. "Yes." I said. "Now hold it up for everyone to see." He nodded and lifted the gift into the air causing gasps to arise from all over the room. Who knew two sets of little socks could cause so much commotion? One pair pink, one pair blue. I turned the camera onto myself. "I can't wait to meet you little one." Billie moved himself into the cameras view. A huge smile spread across his face. Two sets of tiny socks held up in front of him. "What's it going to be pink or blue?" He asked.

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