Chapter 31 - A Change of Plans

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Padmé and Leia sneaked into the Council Room while Admiral Ackbar detailed their battle strategy for isolating unexpected Imperial ships. Padmé caught Anakin's glance and moved to him and Luke.

Breha stood beside Bail watching intently, her face stiff with worry. Leia nestled in beside her mother, who placed her hand around her daughter's shoulders. She gave her a comforting squeeze and pointed out a few key points to the operation. 

Not long after their arrival, the hatch slid open, admitting a royal messenger. The woman in royal livery approached the queen and whispered in her ear.

Breha interrupted Admiral Ackbar. "I apologize, Admiral, for the interruption. We are receiving a Code Red transmission from our junior senator on Coruscant that I believe you all should hear."

The Queen pressed a few buttons on her console, revealing a young Alderaanian man, with his hair in the traditional long braids of the clansmen from the hill country. The transmission reverted to blue static and then returned for a few seconds. 

"Imperial troops [crackle]—vading the city. The Emperor has declared martial law and has disbanded the Imperial Senate, claiming that some of the highest senators are plotting his demise even as we speak. Two Imperial fleets of star destroyers are sta—" The transmission cut off as two stormtroopers grabbed the senator.

The Council Room broke out in panicked babble. After a few seconds, Mon Mothma called the Alliance back to order, the adrenaline raging through every member.

Rieekan said with a worried frown, "That changes everything. We're going to need a lot more troops."

"And ships," Ackbar said.

Bail leaned on the hologram table. "How did the Emperor find out? Only the people in this room know anything about this."

Master Yoda lifted his gimer stick. "No leak here. The Force is strong with Sidious. Warning it has given him."

"Well, I'm beginning to dislike this Force more and more. What good is it if it's not on our side?" Threepio asked, interpreting Tarfful's Shriywook growls.

Obi-Wan crossed his arms. "The Force is a tool. It is neutral. Those who wield it can use it for either bad or good. Like that blaster over there. I can use it to protect people, but others can use it to attack. The morality does not lie in the tool, but in the wielder."

Mon Mothma nodded slightly. "Admiral, how many more ships will you need?"

"Hmm. Capital ships. Those star destroyers weren't really designed to last long against a frigate. We need to focus on taking out their shield generators, allowing the snub fighters to take out the guns. I expect the TIE fighters to swarm in heavy numbers as well. We will need at least five more heavy ships, with as many snubs as we can get."

"What about the ground forces?" Bail asked. "If we already have platoons of stormtroopers on the ground . . ."

Fulcrum spoke up for the first time all morning. "I can get you five more capital ships with five thousand armed troops, if you don't care where they come from."

"There aren't that many ships left in the Alliance," Ackbar said while wagging his chin tentacles.

The secret agent smirked mischievously. "I never said they would be Alliance ships."

Mon Mothma considered the offer. "We can't accept help if we don't know where it's coming from. What if they're aligned the Imperials?"

"They're not. Neutral system."

Obi-Wan asked, "Then how can you be sure they will join us?"

"I have an inside connection. This system only wants the war to end. If we can promise it will end, they will join us."

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