T W E N T Y - O N E

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Hoseok decided to wonder around Yoongi's fortress while he was working. Namjoon didn't seem to mind, he was too busy in his own thoughts to care.

The hallways were creepy, seemed endless, and Hoseok wondered how someone could live so darkly.

He shrugged, he hadn't particularly lived brightly recently, always having the lights off. But, he was shiny at one point, he knew that.

Hoseok traced the walls with his fingers, humming to himself. He put a little bit of pressure on to the wall as he walked, supporting himself.

Until he fell.

Hoseok looked up from the ground, noticing the wall was a secret door, the cause of his fall. He looked around the hidden room, it was just filled with books and a black cauldron with a throne behind it.

"Why is this place hidden?" Hoseok stood up, dusting his pants off.

He walked around, tracing his fingers lightly on the books. All the books had dates on them. He made sure not to put pressure on them because he didn't feel like falling again if there happened to be another secret door, but it seemed unlikely.

His eyes wondered onto the cauldron. He had never actually seen one except in story books and such. It was only filled with water, nothing special.

Hoseok noticed a book that was slightly sticking out, like it had been thrown in hurriedly. His curiosity got the better of him so he decided to pick out the book.

The date on the side of the book was from around three years ago. Hoseok shrugged to himself, sitting in he chair next to the cauldron ready to read.

A flip of the cover and Hoseok realized in an instant that it wasn't a book.

It was a photo album.

Hoseok looked at the pictures closely, they were of him. An unsettling feeling presented itself into his stomach. He continued to flip the pages, all pictures of him smiling.

He immediately turned to the last page and read the only words inside the book.

It was a dark scarlet ink, barely readable but Hosoek managed.

His smile is slowly starting to fade. I need to find a way to save him.
How do I save him?

His eyes are losing the shine I fell in love with. Why isn't he laughing anymore?

I need to save him before it's too late, I need to find a way.

I love you Jung Hoseok, I'll find a way, a reason, for you to live again.


Underneath the words, a date was there. It was a recent date, around the time Yoongi had first showed himself to Hoseok.

Tears brimmed his eyes, lightly touching the scarlet lettering on the page.

"Why do you love me, Yoongi? Why have you watched me all these years?" Hoseok sobbed, tears hitting the page. After all this time, he was watching him, watching as he fell more into depression, lost his will to live.

"I wasn't watching you," Yoongi stood in the doorway, his head down, "I was looking after you."

"Why?" Hoseok looked at Yoongi.

"Because you started to die mentally, something I didn't like." Yoongi lifted his head to Hoseok.

"If I wanted to die, you should have let me." Hoseok breathed out heavily, thinking back to what hell actually felt like.

Yoongi walked up to Hoseok before kneeling and moving the book, "I love you Jung Hoseok, and I want you to live a long happy life. How do you think Seokjin knew to go to your house when you first tried to swallow pills?"

"It was you." Hoseok stared into Yoongi's eyes.

"Of course it was me, I didn't want you here Hoseok, how many times do I have to tell you." Yoongi grabbed Hoseoks hands and squeezed them, "I love you, so much that I was willing to break the first rule of the underworld."

And for the first time, Hoseok watched a tear leave Yoongi's cold eye.


I don't love you, Yoongi."


I have a nice ending planned out for this story.

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