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Yoongi stood beside the bed, looking at Hoseok sleeping. He had cried and punched into Yoongi's chest for hours until he eventually passed out from exhaustion.

Yoongi leaned down closer to Hoseok, lightly pushing the stray strands of hair out of his face, "I love you, Hoseok."

Yoongi studied the others face for a couple of seconds before lightly speaking into the air, "I know you're there Namjoom, I know you seen everything."

Namjoon stepped out from the shadows, "my lord, why didn't you just let him kill himself?"

Yoongi sat up and walked away from the bed towards Namjoon, "why would I want the love of my life to kill himself?"

Namjoon cleared his throat slightly, "so that he can be down here with you."

Yoongi's face turned void of emotion and Namjoon couldn't help but feel as if he offended his lord.

"You think I want the person I care most about, to live down here in suffering and despair?" Yoongi's tail whipped slightly against his leg.

"N-no, my lord. I apologize for misinterpreting the situation." Namjoon bowed at a perfect 90 degree angle in respect for his mistake.

"Hoseok deserves so much more than this place, he deserves happiness, even after death," Yoongi turned his head to look at the sleeping Hoseok, "and if that means I need to keep him down here to realize that, I will, even if he hates me in the end."

Yoongi moved past Namjoon, mumbling, "as long as he doesn't end up here."

Namjoon let his eyes wander to the boy who had claimed his lords heart. He wondered how a mortal could mean so much to the master of the underworld. How a boy could make his lord say such things.

In all the years Namjoon has served Yoongi, he had never once seen him smile or show emotion unless he was watching Hoseok in the world upstairs.

He loved his lord being happy, but he was there to protect his lord with his life. He hoped that Hoseok wouldn't hurt his lord in any way, or things wouldn't look good for him.

Yoongi stopped before walking completely out, "Namjoon, make sure he doesn't leave while I work, and make sure he's comfortable at all times, he'll probably wake up pissed so calm him down."

Yoongi opened the door before speaking again, "you're best at that."

Namjoon didn't need to look at his lord for Yoongi to know he was going to do it no matter what.

For now, Namjoon waited for Hoseok to wake up. More than anything right now, he wanted to know Hoseok and figure out why he makes his lord tick with unnatural feelings.

"Hoseok, be good to my lord, he loves you very much." Namjoon lightly smiled at the sleeping boy in his lords bed before shape shifting into a gargoyle at the foot of the bed.


I'm on fall break from college SO I just really want to write and keep updating this story.

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