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Hoseok sat in his kitchen in the morning, he wasn't sure why he got up so early but for some reason it felt right.

He prepared himself some tea and sat down to enjoy it, it sent a calming vibe throughout him. He finally felt like maybe today would be alright.

Hoseok sipped down to the very last drop of tea, but when he looked inside the cup to make sure it was empty, his face turned pale and he dropped the glass.

It didn't break, just crashed into the table and did a little spin to catch itself.

Hoseok looked inside the cup once more, reading the leaves inside the cup that made letters.

'I'm sorry.'

Hoseok closed his eyes for a second and then looked back inside the cup, it was still there. A droplet of sweat formed in his brow from his anxiety and he immediately stood from the table.

"Okay, I'm going to get my medicine changed."

"Mr, Jung, there isn't anything wrong with your medicine." The doctor flipped through the sheets on his clipboard in front of the sitting Hoseok.

"Are you sure? Why do I keep having hallucinations?" Hoseok was anything but confused, he was sure it was his medicine.

"I don't know what is causing your hallucinations, but I can give you some medicine that might help with them if you would want that?" The doctor seemed completely unsure of what to do in Hoseok's eyes, but Hoseok didn't know anything better to do so he followed the doctors words.

"Yes, I would like that."

The doctor searched on his computer and made a prescription for Hoseok, "you will be able to pick these up after you leave here, and contact me if anything goes wrong."

Hoseok nodded in understanding, "will they affect my anti-depressants?"

The doctor grabbed the prescription he printed off and handed it to Hoseok, "no, these should have no affect on the others, just take your prescribed amount and you will be fine."

Hoseok bowed slightly in respect and thanked the doctor before leaving the building with his prescription in his hand. 

"Seokjin will want to hear about this," and out of habit, Hoseok pulled out his phone and called his only friend.

"Hello?" The sound of traffic was in the background of Seokjin's voice.

"Jinnie, I got new medicine." Hoseok felt somewhat accomplished and he was more than happy to get the medicine, if it meant his hallucinations would go away.

"Did you? That's great! I'll come by in an hour or so to see you as usual."

Hoseok nodded to himself,  "okay, I'll see you then, I've also gotta tell you something that happened this morning."

"Okay, I'll be all ears then. I'm going to hang up now because I'm about to cross the street and there's a lot of traffic."

"Okay, I love you, be safe." Hoseok said those three simple words easily, and slightly out of habit since he said them so often to Seokjin.

"Love you too."

Hoseok hung up his phone and shoved it back into his pocket. His mind wandered as he walked to the store to get his medicine filled.

Seokjin was the only thing on his mind, not in a love kind of way, but more of an appreciation. Seokjin had always been there for Hoseok, always took care of him when he needed it, and always there when Hoseok was at rock bottom.

Seokjin was more than a best friend, he was like Hoseok's brother and Hoseok wouldn't know where he would be today if it wasn't for Seokjin.

That's why, when Seokjin never showed up after their phone call, Hoseok started to get nervous.


College homework sucks.

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