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It's a couple days later, and we're still in Boston for the week. It's been particularly hot this week, the summer season still sticking around for a bit. But thank god today it won't be quite as hot as Monday. Lola and I have gone to breakfast by ourselves since when we woke up, we couldn't go back to sleep. Especially with me, since I had a dream that just kept playing in my mind.

"Hey, snap out of it." Lola says.

"Huh? Oh sorry."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just a dream I had."

"A weird one or a one about Alex?"


"Ooooh, what happened?"

"I think you can figure that out."

"Oooooh." She laughs. 

"Shut up...."

"Oh come on. If I had a dream about Mike, you'd be teasing me and you know it."

"...yeah, true."

"So forgive me if I tease you a bit." She laughs. 

"You two were just so cute together last night." She adds. 

I blush and she laughs again.

"You two should start dating soon."

"I wouldn't be super surprised if he asked you on a date soon." She muses.

"Not sure if that'll happen soon." I reply. 

"I think it will. You'll see."

"I guess I will."

"What about you and Mike?" I add. 

She shrugs.

"I don't know. I don't think we clicked quite like you and Alex."

"I don't know about that."

She shrugs again.

"Mike seemed happy around you last night...really happy."

"Yeah and? People can be happy anytime."

"Alex said that his mood had changed ever since he met you. He saw how happy he was with you Tuesday night at the club, compared to how he was before he met you."

"Who knows. It could just be because I stood up to Maryse."

"I think he likes you."

"We'll see I guess."


We finish breakfast and walk back to the hotel.

"Are you sure you're done thinking about that dream?" She asks as we get to our floor, snickering.

"Yes Lo. Cut it out."

"Okay okay, relax."

"I'll be nice." She says amusedly. 

She flops onto the bed, relaxing. 

"I wonder what he's doing right now." I say, relaxing on my bed as well.

"Who knows."

"But I'll leave you to your fantasizing." She adds. 

I throw a pillow at her and she just laughs. 

"What? You do!"

"Can't deny ittttt." She sings. 

"Who said I was?"

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