Celebrating 900 Episodes

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 It's finally Monday and we had a busy day today, following Mike and Alex around when they asked us to join them. The day seemed to go by fast with how busy we all were, and we were soon in our rooms getting ready for Raw.

"I wonder how we should dress for this."

"Dressy, I guess?" Lola shrugs.

"Hmm, I guess so. I mean it is a special night anyway."

"Right." She nods. 

"Dressy it is then."

We start to go through our things to find dresses to wear. Once we find the perfect ones to wear, we change into them. Then we help each other with our hair. After that we do our makeup and put our jewelry and shoes on. We finish just in time when there's a knock on the door. I'm closer so I go and open the door. 

"Hi guys."

"You can come right in, we just have to grab a few things and we can go." I add.

They nod and step inside. Of course nodding is all they can do at this point once they got a good look at us. I go back over to my things and grab whatever else I'll need for the night. Lola's doing the same. She finishes and looks up. 

"Oh hi guys."

"You should've known that they were the ones knocking on the door." I snicker, as I finish getting what I need.

"I wasn't paying attention. So sue me."

"I don't think they're really paying attention either." 

"Doesn't seem like it." Lola giggles.

"Are you two alive over there?"

"Huh? Yeah! We're good."

"You sure now?"


"Alright. Are we all set to go then?"


"People are gonna be wondering who we are." I say as we leave the room and head down to the lobby.

"Yeah, that's true."

"But hey we'll get to meet everyone. Oh god that means more cheesy pick up lines and everything from Ziggles."


"He got mad." Lola adds. 

"Stormed off too." She laughs. 

"Ohhh it was fun."

"Sounds like it." Mike chuckles.

"Anyways any matches tonight?"

"We won't know until we get there. We tend to always find out the night of any event."


"Well I bet the match will be a good one."


Then we get to the car and they put their things in the trunk before holding the back doors open for us to get in.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Then they get into the front, Mike starts the car and we head off to the TD Garden for Raw. We get there and the guys grab their bags and lead us inside.

"Wow, backstage is amazing." I say, looking around as we walk.

"Yeah." Lola agrees. 

The first place we stop is the locker room so that they can drop their things off.

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