Chapter 29

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Let's never speak of that last chapter again, okay? Thanks! TTFN (:


WARNING - Homophobic comments. Stay safe, stay alive |-/


The next day was pretty boring for the couple, they woke up, had breakfast, went out, ate more and then went to sleep pretty early in the night after cuddling for a while.

But the day after that was a little more eventful. Dan woke up to see Phil throwing things into bags, looking nervous and fraught.

"Philly? What's up?" Dan questioned, voice husky.

"Get up, now. We need to go" Phil replied, pulling one of the blankets they'd bought off of Dan. Howell flinched, feeling the cold air hit him.


"My dad messaged"

That was all he had to say before Dan jumped up and out of bed, grabbing his jeans as well as some boxers and a shirt, heading into the bathroom and quickly changing while brushing through his hair with his fingers.

Once he looked semi-presentable, he left the bathroom to see Phil ready with socks and shoes on, bags packed. He held out a pair of Dan's socks, which Howell took quickly and pulled them on.

"What did he say?" Howell finally asked, slipping on his black shoes.

"He said he knew where we are" Phil replied, watching Dan.


"I said he was bluffing, he gave me the name of the hotel we're in"  

Dan's eyes widened as he stood up, grabbing one of the two packed bags as well as their room key. The two boys hurried to reception, where they checked out of the room before rushing down to the train station.

"Here we go again" Phil whispered, holding tightly to Dan's hand in the crowd as they looked up at the screen displaying train journeys.

"I hate this so much" Dan groaned, looking over the different options.

"So do I but it's for our own safety"

The two decided on getting the train to Leeds, where they'd stay another couple of nights and then move on again. Rather than buying their tickets before getting on the train, they just hopped on and would wait until someone came asking for tickets and selling tickets.

"How long does it take to get there?" Phil questioned as they reached their platform.

"Like two and a half hours or something I think" Howell replied, watching the train as it came to a stop. He wished he could've jumped in front of it, then all of this would be over and Phil could be happy alone with no stress of another boy.

Lester simply nodded, stepping up onto the train and pulling his boyfriend with him. To be honet, Phil had no idea why Dan agreed to being his boyfriend, he felt like he was nothing special, not to mention he'd bulled him previously.


The train ride dragged on, it was cold and boring and an old woman kept complaining to the boys and to the guard on the train about them, which seemed to really annoy Phil and upset Dan.

"Boys, can you not cuddle please?! You're guys, you shouldn't cuddle. You should be cuddling young women!" she growled, staring at them in disgust. 

Dan lifted his head from Phil's chest, looking over at her and rolling his eyes before looking up, curious to see his boyfriends reaction.  Lester simply chuckled, looking down and pressing a gentle kiss to Dan's forehead.

"Oh so you're together? You're gay?! Ew" she muttered, shaking her head.

"Actually, I'm bisexual. He's gay" Phil retorted "You love who you love, you don't choose"

"It's wrong. Men and women. Not men and men, not women and women. You're both going through a phase, that's all" She spoke, her shoulders doing a little shimmy and she shuffled in her seat "Your mothers must be disgusted, especially yours" she uttered, pointing at Phil presumably because of his whole style; piercings and such.

"My mums dead" Phil deadpanned, staring at her. The woman immediately shut up, ignoring the boy and getting up, walking away from them.

They thought this was the end of her drama but moments later, she came back with a guy following her. This guy was a guard who worked on the train, making sure everythings okay and safe.

"Excuse me, there's been complaints of yelling?"

"No? This lady was complaining to us about us cuddling, saying being gay is wrong. Said our mothers would be disgusted" Phil responded, squeezing Dan's hand gently.

"Well they would be" the woman interrupted.

"Well, like I said, my mums dead"

"Ma'am can I ask that you please take a seat on another train coach please? That is no way to speak to people. For your information, being gay is awesome. I'm lovin' it" the guard spoke, making the boyfriends chuckle.

They sure were glad to be off thay train in Leeds though.

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