Chapter 18

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"Dan?" Phil mumbled later that night, laid on the floor whilst staring at the ceiling. The lady on reception had simply assumed the two boys were a couple and had booked them into a room with one bed and when they asked for a move, they got refused so Phil had decided he'd sleep on the floor as to not make it uncomfortable and awkward.

"Mhm?" Dan hummed in response, sitting on the bed quietly, looking over at the other boy.

"You're really good looking"

"Not" he blushed, looking away from Phil in the hopes that he wouldn't see the bright red cheeks.

"Are" Lester replied, getting up and going to sit beside him.

Dan shook his head in disagreement, rolling his eyes and yawning quietly whilst still trying to hide his bright red cheeks, which Phil really did find adorable. Shaking his head, the oldest boy smiled and shuffled around to look more directly at Dan, who'd now covered his face with his hands.

He moved Dan's hands, smiling more at Dan's little pout and rosy red cheeks. Howell tried his very best to avoid looking up but when Phil pouted and whined like a small child that wasn't getting his way, he just had to look up.

"You. Are. Hot" Phil told him, making him grunt and shake his head once again.

"Are you blind or something? I'm not, I really am not. I have hobbit hair, my eyes are dull, I have fat cheeks, my dimples are horrible. I'm covered in bruises, you can see my bones and that's disgusting. My teeth are yellow. I look disgusting" 

"No no no. Let me tell you what I see" frowned the other boy, looking at Dan with sad eyes. 

"No, I hate myself enough" 

"I see beautiful brown hair, lovely and wavy. I see beautiful, bright eyes that remind me of chocolates, which makes me very hungry. Your cheeks are not fat. They are beautiful and slightly chubby which means I can pinch them, they're really cute dude. Your dimples are literally the most adorable things I have ever seen, like honestly I cry. They're so cute and I love seeing them. Your bruises will fade, as will your scars. They are signs that you've been through a tough battle but you're coming out the other side of it. Maybe your bones do point out a little? Still beautiful, your body is still gorgeous and if you want to, I can help you to eat a bit more. Your teeth really aren't yellow, they're quite white and very straight, unlike me"

Dan let out a smile chuckle at the 'straight' remark and smiled at the rest, blushing like crazy once again.

"Thank you"

"Always. It's only the truth" Phil shrugged, grinning "Now, it's like midnight. We should get some sleep"

"Yeah, probably" Dan chuckled.

"Goodnight" Phil mumbled, sliding off of the bed to go and sleep on the floor, making Dan frown.

"You can sleep in the bed if you want, it's fine. I can sleep on the floor... Or we could share the bed?" Howell awkwardly suggested, his cheeks now redder than a tomato.

"Uh, you're not sleeping on the floor... I'm fine with sharing the bed.. As long as that's okay with you" 

Once he got a nod in reply, he smiled and slipping off his jeans and shirt, as did Dan before they both climbed into the single bed and slid under the covers. There wasn't much room in the bed, considering they were both tall as heck as well as awkward and trying to share a hard single bed but they were okay with that, even if it did mean that their faces were uncomfortably close considering they didn't know what they were. By that, I mean that they were friends but they didn't know if they were going to be more, nor if eachother wanted more.

"Uh goodnight" Phil murmered, laying flat on his back.

"Cuddle me?" Dan begged, rolling onto his side to face the older boy "Uh you don't have to if you don't want, I'm sorry. Please don't hit me"

"I'm not going to hit you!" Phil frowned, heart breaking "Come here, I'll always cuddle you"

With that, Phil pulled Dan even closer to him, if that was possible, and kissed his forehead lovingly. They may have hated eachother, they may have not known eachother properly for long but Phil knew, he loved Dan. And Dan knew that he loved Phil.

"Goodnight Philly"

"Goodnight Danny"

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