Chapter 9

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That evening, Dan was sat in the living room of Phil's house, watching tv while the older boy cooked.

The boy was watching Family Guy, staying silent apart from the few chuckles he released at any funny part.

In fact, the whole house was silent apart from Dan's chuckles and the clatters of the dishes and pans in the kitchen where Phil was only supposed to be cooking a ready-made pizza.

About fifteen minutes later, Dan jumped at the sound of a smoke alarm and Phil's screech. The youngest boy rushed through to the kitchen, seeing a cloud of smoke coming from the oven and Phil crouched on the table in a panic.

Howell rolled his eyes, opening the oven door and pulling out the tray with the pizza on it. The pizza had turned completely black over the top, as though someone had poured paint on it.

"Well done, Lester"

"Shut up, Howell" retorted the oldest boy, throwing the burnt pizza in the bin and opening the door to let out some smoke.

An awkward silence settled in the air, Dan coughing quietly before standing up and going to leave the room, only to be stopped by Phil.

"I'll order a takeaway. What do you want?"

"I'll cook, don't bother" the seventeen year old shrugged, turning back around to see confusion masking Lester's face.

"How do you know how to cook?" He interrogated, making Dan roll his eyes.

"I always cook at home" shrugged the nerd, getting some spaghetti, mince, sauce and mushrooms out of the cupboards and freezer.

"So what're you making?" Phil questioned, sitting on the table and watching carefully.

"I'll make a curry"

"I don't have anything you could make curry with though"

"For godsake" Dan groaned, rolling his eyes.

"I'll order a pizza or an Indian or something, jeez" muttered Phil, making Dan sigh and nod.

"Yeah, alright"

"What do you want then?"

"Don't mind" shrugged Dan, not wanting to be there "but I haven't got any money for anything?"

"It's fine, I'll pay... We can get pizza, if you want?" Lester suggested, trying his best to be nicer... It was his type of thing though, he was never nice and he was struggling.

"Yeah; sure. Whatever" Howell mumbled, taking a bottle of water out of the fridge to drink.

"What's wrong with you? For godsake, I'm trying to help" Lester grumbled, confusion written across his face.

"But that's the thing! You never help anyone. Why the sudden change? You're the one who bullies me"

"I... Um... I want to change" the older lad replied but it wasn't convincing at all.

Dan rolled his eyes, not wanting to argue as he barely had the money to stay at a hotel if Phil kicked him out.


What was up with Phil?

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