Chapter Eighteen

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Jaxton wasn't really angry. Or surprised by Andrea's revelation. It was late in the evening and Neil's friends had already left.

"You don't seem angry about Andrea's revelation. I know it was an arranged marriage and all..." Neil stated sitting across from him at the kitchen counter.

"I know Wes. Well I didn't know about our wedding being a cover, but I've met him before," Jaxton cleared his throat before continuing.

"A month before Andrea's first wedding she met Wes. A cowboy visiting his brother in town. They got together and Andrea fell in love."

"So he's the reason she ran from the first groom?"

"Yeah," he answered standing to pour himself a cup of water and sat back down. "Wes was the groom in the second wedding but Andrea said she'd gotten cold feet. That she was scared of how much she felt for him. Wes was so angry he disappeared and Andrea was devastated. But when she finally moved on he showed unannounced to her third wedding. Andrea's feelings for him were awakened and she couldn't get married. This happened to the rest."

"Wow. That is"

"I know right? Too much complications."

"Will they really get married this time?" Neil pondered.

"I hope so," he answered with a sigh.

"What I don't get is why all the other guys kept on proposing to her? She was already known as the runaway bride after the third attempt," Neil asked with a frown.

"She's rich. Heiress to her father's company. Also Andrea's an extremely beautiful woman. Who wouldn't want to marry her?"

Neil nodded in agreement. He knew it was complicated. Andrea loves drama. Neil stood up and he followed.

"Hey, can I write that in my piece?" Neil asked him.

"Not my life. You should probably ask Andrea. Here I'll give you her number," Jaxton held out his hand for Neil's phone.

Neil dialed as soon as he was done.

"Hi, Andrea, it's you mind if I get the exclusive to your story with Wes?...yeah he did...that's brilliant...okay, I'll see you tomorrow...goodnight."

"Well?" he asked when Neil didn't say anything.

"She's agreed to meet me tomorrow at the house and give me all the dirty secrets."

"But I just did that."

"No. What you gave me was an idea of what happened. Only Andrea and Wes could tell me what truly did happen," Neil said walking to the fridge and pulling it open.

"I'll make dinner," he moved behind him, "I told you what happened."

"Okay, the cooking pots are in the lower cabinet," he said going back to his seat by the counter, "No. You told what you saw. I want to know all the behind the scenes drama. Only Andrea knows those."

"Suit yourself."

An hour later after washing the dishes Neil joined him in the living room. Jaxton still hadn't gotten what he'd originally come for. Yes, Neil was acting civil. But was this a second chance or just forgiveness. He shifted and turned to face the man next to him. The man was extremely good-looking. He could understand how he managed to get a different man every time. No one could say no to that face, and not to mention the sexy body to complete the package. He shifted for a totally different reason from before.

"Yes?" Neil questioned when he turned to face him. Not helping when those green orbs landed on him. He momentarily forgot what he wanted to say. He shook his head and cleared his throat.

"You didn't give me an answer earlier," he finally managed to say.

"Oh yeah. Um...can we just take it slow. One step at a time. Like I don't know...friends?"

Jaxton swallowed down the disappointment he felt and smiled. It was a good thing he had learned to fake smiles, it's always handy in business.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

It was worth it as he watched the smile that lit Neil's face. He'd screwed up and lost his chance. He knew he was being friend zoned, but if it was the only way he could be in the other man's life so be it.

They leaned back in the couch and watched the movie.

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