Chapter Nine

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Jaxton paced in his room. Neil was right. How could he have thought that he would be able to lie through the whole interview, but boy was he wrong. He'd been caught.

He didn't want to marry Andrea. He was gay. Oh shit! He's gay. All this time and it just had to take a sexy editor to make him realize the truth. He's gay, or maybe bi. Yeah bi, since that would explain Brandon and his mom.

And the editor. He can't drive those green eyes out of his mind. That hot body. Gosh, he can't do this. Why did he have to come this week. He's going to make this all the more hard. He can't lie to himself, he's attracted to the guy. Who wouldn't? But he's heard about him. He's not one for serious relationship, and that's what he wants right now. Someone to help him raise his Brandon. But his parents wanted Andrea, not a man. And he's going to do that. He'll marry Andrea. For them. And for Brandon.

Jaxton took in a deep breath to settle his nerves as he made his way downstairs for dinner. He couldn't skip, his mother doesn't like anyone missing family dinners. She enjoys having the whole family at the table and who would be stupid enough to skip her home-cooked meals. She's the best cook.

He walked into the dining room to find everyone seated. He took his seat between Justin and Andrea. His father was seated at the head, his mother to his right and Jack on his left. Next to mother was Justin. Jace sat between Jack and Neil, who was right across from me. Next to him was his friend Matt. The list goes on...but after spotting Neil he wasn't comfortable anymore. Why did he have to be across from him, where he could see him every time he lifted his head.
"Okay, let's bow our heads in prayer," his mother said and watched as everyone bowed their heads us instructed.

"God thank you for gathering us here today. Bless us and this gift we're about to receive from your goodness. Amen."



George could feel the tension from where he was seated. He doesn't know what had happened during that interview, but it doesn't seem to be helping his plans. Instead, Neil and Jaxton seemed to be avoiding each other. Jaxton can't even look up from his plate.

He cleared his throat. "So, how was the interview?"  he asked Neil. At least he didn't look awkward or uncomfortable, unlike his son.

"It was interesting."

"Mmm, you got all the information you needed?"

"Yes. All that's left is Andrea," he said with a smile.

The rest of the dinner went okay. Jaxton and Neil still didn't speak to one another but they made conversation. They seemed to get along well before the interview. He wondered what had happened.

After dinner everyone made their way to the living room. Except Jaxton and Neil. He saw them making their way to the backyard. Maybe they could make up. He just hoped so.


Jaxton paced as Neil sat on a chair. He'd called him outside so they could talk without any interruption or anyone interfering.

"You can't write about it."

"About what?"

"You know, the reason I'm marrying Andrea," he said running his fingers through his hair.

"Why are you marrying her anyway. Your parents seem like good people. I don't think they'd mind as long as you're happy," Neil said as he watched him.

"I know that. But they'd still be disappointed if I don't go through with it. They look so happy," he turned away to look at the vast yard.

"So they were sad people, before you decided to get married?" Neil asked standing up to face him.

"No, you're not getting it," Jaxton said in exasperation.

"I get it. It's not about your parents. You're just too much of a coward to admit you're gay," Neil said with a low chuckle.

"I'm not gay. How can you explain Brandon and my upcoming wedding if I am," he defended.


"I'm not denying anything."

"So you admit you are gay."

"Yes! No, you're confusing me." he said and made to leave but Neil grabbed his arm.

"You can't live like this. I thought you'd learn from your first marriage. It won't work. It'll just hurt both you and Andrea."

This only made him angry. "You don't tell me what to do,"  he shouted pushing him away. Neil lost his balance and flayed his arms as he fell. Only he didn't reach the ground, Jaxton caught him.

Jaxton wasn't sure how it happened. One moment Neil was falling and the next he was kissing him. His heartbeat was fast as his lips moved against Neil's. He tasted so good and he felt so good pressed against him. He knew he should stop but for the life of him he couldn't stop.

"Jaxton. Are you out here!" Justin's voice startled them into separation.

Neil didn't wait for him to speak as he hurried back into the house.

"Um, did I interrupt something."

Jaxton sighed and occupied the seat Neil had been in. Just great. He wasn't supposed to do that.

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