Chapter Five

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Jaxton was going to meet everyone that night. He had stayed late at work the previous day and came in late. So everyone was asleep by the time he came home. He practically runs the company, but his father still makes the important decisions. He's the acting CEO till his father decides it's the time to pass him the reins.

Jack never wanted to run the company, so it was passed down to him. He loves cooking, so he followed his dreams and opened a restaurant in Seattle. He has his own place but still not that far from home. At least one or two hours away.

Jace is the smart genius in the family so he oversees the IT section in the Alastair Empire. He still lives at home. Every time he tried to leave his mom came up with an excuse for him to stay. And of course Justin, he's still in college. And according to his mom. He's never going to leave that house.

Jaxton was sure his mother would be angry since he came in late. It's already passed eight. He was supposed to be back early in the afternoon but it's night. Almost time for Brandon to go to sleep. From today he'll start working from home, he just had to clear some things in the office.

He heard noises and moved to the backyard. There was a barbecue today being the reason his mother insisted he comes early. It's easier to know everyone in a social gathering, he's also got the whole week. He met his mother in the kitchen carrying a tray of cookies. Her famous chocolate cookies. She was dressed in a blue gown with long sleeves.

"Jaxton," she smiled and I couldn't help but smile back, "you came."

"Of course ma. I promised, didn't I?" he said hugging her.

"Help me take this out for everyone."

She handed over the tray to him and turned to take another. He waited for her to take the lead into the backyard.

Jaxton sighed in exhaustion as he finally sat down an hour later. He gulped down his bottle of beer watching all the people around.

"You should have come early yesterday. It wouldn't have been so exhausting," Justin said seating down in the seat beside his.

"Is Brandon asleep?"

"Probably, check his room. He went to watch SpongeBob with some of the other kids. He wanted a sleep over."

Jaxton nodded in understanding and stood up to leave. He's exhausted and ready for sleep. He's going to make sure Brandon is tucked in before he goes to bed. Brandon never liked it when he went to sleep without telling him 'goodnight'.

He walked into the kitchen and to the staircase. Down a few hallways before reaching Brandon's room. He didn't hear any noise so he was quiet when opening the door. All the kids were sleeping soundly in sleeping bags. Brandon had wanted a slumber party since they couldn't go to the barbecue.

Brandon himself was sleeping soundly on the bed. Snuggled to...a man? Jaxton wasn't sure if he knew him but he looked kind of familiar. He couldn't be dangerous, his mother doesn't just let anyone close to Brandon.

And he was too tired to think about where he'd seen the man. Probably one of Andrea's friends or Jace's-but that's not so likely.

He shut the door behind him as he left the room and made his way to his, just next to Brandon's. They even had a connecting door between them for when he has nightmares and came to sleep with him.

He took a shower and jumped in bed. Thank God he's not going to work the next day. He could use a few days off work. He was gone as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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