Chapter Eight

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Jaxton had decided to do the interview later that night so he could spend time with the family during the day. Andrea's interview would be the next day.

Neil was just coming out of the bathroom when he heard a knock on his door. Matt had gone to chase the woman he'd been pursuing since the previous night and Ally was with the girls. So who could it be? Maybe Matt got shot down again. He chuckled lightly at that.

He opened the door with a towel wrapped around his waist, and still dripping wet. He froze when he saw who was outside his door. After a few seconds of silent staring he cleared his throat when he noticed Jaxton staring at his chest.

He's not so straight after all.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked him. Trying to clear the awkwardness in the air.

"" Jaxton said shaking his head as if to clear it.

"Yeah. Just give me a few minutes to change. Come in." Neil walked back into his room leaving the door open for him to follow. He grabbed a t-shirt, a pair of jeans and boxers from his bag before heading to the bathroom to get dressed. It didn't seem that appropriate to dress in front of Jaxton.

Neil walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later to find Jaxton seated uncomfortably on his bed. He offered him a small smile before grabbing the stuff he needed for the interview. He sat across from him on Matt's bed, ready to begin.


"What makes you certain that she will marry you and not run off like she did with the rest?" Noah asked. He had decided to do different interviews for each of them. It'll be easier that way.

"I can't be sure. I just hope she doesn't," Jaxton answered from the couch.

He nodded his head, moving to the next question. "How did the two of you meet?"

"We're family friends. Her parents and mine go way back."

"How long were you together before proposing?"

"Um...I'm not least two years," he said shifting a little. Neil noted the tell but didn't comment on it.

"How did you propose?"

" asking her to marry me?" he said the statement as if in question.

"The details. Like where you proposed. The planning. How you popped the question. You know, stuff like that," Neil explained. Most men had problems explaining this parts because they were so emotional but Jaxton took it to another level. It's like he had absolutely no idea. Like it never happened. From how he shifted on the bed. Neil could swear the man was sweating.

"Is it an arranged marriage, Mr. Alastair?" Neil asked leaning forward. From the shocked and almost scared expression on the man's face he knew the truth. He opened his mouth to speak but Jaxton was already up heading for the door.

"We'll continue later. I have to go."

Neil was left in his thoughts. It's not uncommon for rich folks to have arranged marriages. But after meeting Miranda and George, they just didn't look like those type of parents. But what did he know. He's only known them for like two days.

He sighed and put his stuff away. Walking out the door locking it behind him. It was almost time for dinner and he was sure everyone was waiting downstairs. He hadn't thought the interview would be that complicated.

"Uncle Neil!" He turned at the shout.

Neil smiled when he saw Brandon running towards him. They talked and laughed as they walked down the stairs.

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