Chapter Fifteen

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Justin was able to convince Jaxton to stay back home and wait till his head cleared. He'd told his brother everything, although he was disappointed and called him a few choice names, he still agreed to help him. He truly hadn't meant to say what he'd said to Neil. He really liked him. Like really really liked him. But with his screw up he might lose him for good.

So he'd decided to do what was right for him and not what his family wanted. He was cancelling the wedding. Then he'd focus on getting Neil to give him another chance.

Jaxton had called Andrea into his office. He thought it was best to break the bad news to her first before telling the whole family. He knew it would hurt, but it was an arranged marriage. He just hoped Andrea wasn't emotionally attached to him. It would make things more complicated and would make him feel like more of a jerk.

He led her to a couch next to the window and sat beside her. He turned to face her ready to say what was on his mind. His heart was beating hard from fear as Andrea looked at him, waiting...

"Shit, this is hard," he sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"You want to cancel the wedding, don't you?" Andrea asked, beating him to the punch. He avoided looking at her but nodded in confirmation.

"I'm sorry Andrea. I'm really fond of you and I love you. Just not in a romantic way. I know it's disappointing and I've let you down or even hurt you. I just can't do it. I...I..." he tried explaining himself, still unable to look up.

"You love someone else."

His head shot up fast at her words.

"Um...wh-what are you talking about?" He asked although his heart was probably pummeling out of his chest. Yeah, he really liked Neil. But was it really love. Did he love him?

"Maybe not love, but you are attracted to him," she said making his mind spin. She knows. How long? Maybe she saw them. This only made him panic and he looked away in guilt. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Yet he's hurt everyone, even Neil. Shit, how was he going to apologize.

Andrea shifted so she was closer to him. "Don't worry Jaxton, we're good friends. We both knew this marriage was arranged and I'm happy you found someone. I'm not angry or mad. I just now have to focus on finding someone for me," she said in a soft voice, almost  motherly.

"Really? You're okay?"

"Come on Jax, we're best friends. I'll always want what's best for you," she smiled and Jaxton couldn't help but smile back. Yes, they were best friends. It's one of the reasons why their parents thought they'd be well matched. But as its turned out, it seems life has another plan.

"Thank you," he whispered pulling her into a hug.

"No big deal. When did you know you were gay anyway?"

"Gay? Jaxton you're gay? Since when?"

He jumped at his mother's screech. He'd closed the door, right?

"H-How did you get in?" he asked jumping to his feet. He looked behind her where his father and brothers stood. Not to mention Andrea's parents. All their gazes were on him, waiting for an explanation.

"I'm not gay."

He heard a scoff and glared at Justin. It's his fault. Jaxton was sure of it.

"Don't lie to me young man?" He flinched at his mother's glare and took a tentative step back.

"I'm not. Just because I'm attracted to a man, doesn't mean I'm gay," he said in frustration.

"Bro, I think that's exactly what it means," Jack helpfully put in earning a scalding glare from him.

"No, I'm not. I'm just... I only like Neil," he mumbled tiredly sitting back on the couch next to his ex fiancé. He could hear her trying to stifle laughter. Then the whole room erupted in laughter.

"What are you all laughing at?" He shouted forgetting himself. He really didn't get their amusement. Shouldn't they be mad. He just cancelled the wedding.

"Well its about time you admitted you are gay,"

Jaxton stood shocked staring at the man who had uttered those words. He could have expected them from Justin or his other brothers, even his mother but...
His father.

And what are they talking about finally admitting to being gay.

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