Chapter Fourteen

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"No. No, I can't do this," Neil said pushing Jaxton away.

"What! Why?"

"You're not sure about this and I can't risk it," he said sitting up. Jaxton stood up looking irritated.
"I'm sure of what I want. I thought I already told you that."

"I know. I know, It's're going to get married. And..."

"I can't believe this. You sleep with a different man every night but you can't put out with me. Am I not good looking enough for you?"

Neil felt his heart clench at the words. So that's what he wanted. To sleep with him. Everyone always wants to sleep with him. Now even the guy he's falling for. And people wonder why he didn't get close to anyone.

"Get out,"he said in a whisper.

"I'm sorry Neil, I didn't mean that," he could hear the remorse in Jaxton's voice but he knew the truth.

"Yes you did. Just leave me. I'm a slut. I know." Neil said trying to not let the anger slowly building to not consume him.

"Neil I-"

"I believe he asked you to leave," he heard Matt say but he couldn't look up. He wasn't sure what he'd do. Hit someone or cry? He heard shuffling of feet and the door close. He hadn't even heard Matt come in, but he was grateful he had.

Neil felt fingers under his chin lifting his head up so he was looking at his friend.

"Don't cry."

He frowned. He wasn't crying. Lifting his hands he felt the wet trails down his cheeks. Guess he cried. But that just seemed to make them fall the more. A sob tore through his throat and he couldn't hold on anymore. He hasn't cried in years. Not like he was doing then. And he hated it. Matt held him, rubbing his lower back trying to comfort him.


Matt held his friend until Neil passed out from exhaustion. That bastard. Neil hasn't cried that much since college. They can't stay here. He can't let Neil wake up here tomorrow morning. He won't see that jerk ever again if he could help it. He seemed so genuine, and him having such a good family. He could never imagine he would do that to Neil. Say something like that to him.

Matt moved to the closet grabbing both their bags. He  packed all their things and placed them on his bed. He made sure Neil was asleep before leaving the room. He had to find Ally.

He found her in her room. Lucky. Why didn't he have his own room. But then again if he did, he wouldn't have been able to help Neil when he needed him.

"We need to leave." he stated as soon as she opened her door.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Neil," he said walking into the room. Neil had passed out and wouldn't wake up anytime soon. So he wasn't worried about him then.


Justin watched as his brother took another gulp of his bottle of beer. The third one in one hour. There was something wrong. Maybe he's finally thinking about cancelling this wedding. It's the right choice anyway.

His thoughts were interrupted by Ally walking into the room. Everyone turned to look at her as she made her way into the room and on top of the table.

"What are you doing honey?" his mother asked coming into the room from the kitchen.

"I came to have a chat with your son. Jaxton, why don't you come closer," she said with a smile. Jaxton walked closer warily. With her standing on the table, she was slightly taller than him. Faster than he thought possible her fist met his brother's jaw. Justin's jaw dropped open in shock as his brother fell on the floor. The alcohol probably helped.

Ally stepped down just as steps were heard by the staircase. Matt came down carrying a passed out Neil in his arms. What the hell happened!

"I'm sorry Miriam but we have to go. Thank you for your hospitality. Our bags are already outside in the car. We'll be taking our leave now," she hugged his mother giving everyone in the room a tense smile and a glare to Jaxton.

"Wait, aren't you staying for the wedding? And what's wrong with Neil?" his mother asked.

"Something came up. Maybe we'll come to visit you sometime. And about Neil, maybe you should ask Jaxton." She said and left.

"What did you do now big bro?" he asked with a sigh.

"I didn't mean to," he whispered standing up, "I have to go."  he staggered out of the house before anyone could stop him. He probably did something stupid. Maybe slept with Neil and decided not to cancel the wedding. He's a total idiot. But he still couldn't let him go out drunk.

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