Chapter 25: Lurking Suspicions

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Nova Aerris...the eden of humanity and the one remaining beacon of hope. For the inhabitants of Ventus City, Aqua City, Terra and even the oblivious Solemn town all wonder about the, almost legendary town. Despite all its legends and rumours...not a single solid fact is known about the town. As the town is more or big taboo. But it's secrets were soon to be shared as Tema, Eve, his sisters and Kairi with Rafiel approached see a giant grey grid like cube,

Tema now looks to the land, as now a simple cube, approaching in the distance "so...there it is...Nova Aerris. There...we will find our answers...I'm sure of it"

"we do have a lot of questions that need answering" said Eve "and this is the only place where we'll find our answers"

"I'm actually a little excited" said Kairi "To see Nova Aerris I mean. I can't wait to see what kind of technology we'll find there"

"I'm hoping we'll find the identity of the eight divine sentinel there" said Tema "we only have one Atlas left to give us any hints"

Yumi had her finger to her head thinking "he's told us practically everything but the identity of the sentinel"

"I just don't understand the part...where he or she must be broken" said Rafiel with his arm folded and a worried expression "the whole idea of sentinels, is we grow stronger in response to being made whole"

"Yes...that concerns me too" said Viola

"What if...the purpose is hide the sentinels identity" said Eve with her finger waving "like as if the sentinel is meant to be hidden. And should he or she be confronted with danger...then their true power would rise"

This train of thought felt true among them "that does make a lot of sense" said Rafiel "that would be why the blonde man hasn't tried looking for this one yet"

"But...that's also being bugging me" said Viola thinking "the blonde man, pretty much, picked up on Aurora when she emerged from that bonding process room. And that was when she was heavily bio-regressed"

"And back then I couldn't form a sentence" said Aurora

"We can't guess on questions and random thoughts" said Tema looking ahead "all we can do is find the next town"

As the land came into view... Tema couldn't help but wonder "is it me...or is Nova Aerris just a giant cube?"

"A titanic sized cube" remarked Yumi looking at it "so what is the time inside it?" all they could see was just a gigantic light brown cube

"just what lengths do they go too to hide this city anyway" said Kairi "it's almost as see they are trying to hide it" the craft continued towards the cube, looking as if it may collide with the wall. But then a small gap opened for the craft to go through, with only blinding light coming out from it. As Tema looked on, he felt a tingling feeling in his chest

"I feel...worried. But...why is that?" everyone had to shield their eyes from the light, as they went through the gap and the wall closed behind them.

The blonde was in his meeting place of a scheduled room. Drake then appeared "Boss...the procedure..." Drake then had a, almost, spine-tingling smile "is now ready to proceed"

"Excellent" said the blonde man "With this procedure, my ultimate goal is now closer to reality. Pretty soon, this entire world of skyland will finally know true peace and fighting and evil will no longer be present"

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