Chapter 1: The Lone Heart

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The scene, was the evening. It was mid-winter with the sun beginning it's early descent over the snow covered land. The snow lightly covering the vast fields and trees which glinted in the golden orange sunlight. The sunlight gently pierce through a clear window into a clean living room. Suddenly the front door opened to which quite a young boy with blonde hair shouted "Mom, I'm home!"

"Welcome home Roy" Roy was in a snow covered parka with splats of snow covering all his body. Roy came into a large carpeted living room which had a large bookcase and a brown two piece sofa in-front of a television and oblivious to his eyes a second boy.

This second boy, who no-one had noticed yet, was sat crossed-legged on the floor perfectly still. This second boy with dark messy hair was fairly young in age and was wearing a red t-shirt and blue pants. He was watching the family with open eyes not missing any details.

He watched as Roy undid his coat and hung it on a hook, revealing his cyan jumper he smelled the air to sense the mouth-watering aroma of dinner. "hmm...smells good" then a mature woman, with short blonde hair in a pink dress came out from a separate room

"Oh there you are. What happened to you?"

"Sorry Mom. I was having a snowball fight with my friends" just then the door opened for a second time to show a mature man in blue shirt and black smart pants "'re back!" Roy hugged his dad to which the Dad happily patted Roy in the head.

"Hey Son. Have you had a good day?" Roy nodded "hey honey" while the Mom kissed the Dad on the cheek

"now that the men are back. It's time for dinner"

The boy watched the scene with clear eyes that seemed to carry depression and hope in them. His arms tremble as he slowly reached out but then...he simply pulled his arm back. He remained motionless as the scene continued to play out. He watched as the family of three sat eating their dinners in-front of the tv. They would occasionally laugh and enjoy the evening still not noticing their watcher who remained sat in the shadows. The boy barely moved...just watching with a sense of longing. Then as he blinked...the scene changed.

It was now a dark bedroom, dimly lit only by a single light. Roy was tucked into his bed with the Dad reading a story. The story sounded like a happy one to which allowed Roy to relax and start waning off to sleep. The boy saw the scene and slowly started to get up. As he was about to step forward, the Mom entered the room.

The Mom went and sat by Roy just as the Dad finished the story. Roy was sound asleep in his bed. The dad gently covered Roy with his duvet saying

"Good night Roy" then the Mom gently bent down and kissed Roy on the cheek

"Have a lovely dream Roy" the boy watched this and then began moving.

The boy moved ever so slightly, daring not to make a sound. Every step he treated as his last as if he would expelled from the room, should he be heard. Then as he stood within reach he began reaching out once more. He slowly reached out, constantly recoiling it afraid the mom was going to vanish from his grip. His hand was a mere inch from the Mom's shoulder. He could literally feel the warmth she radiated around the dark room. Then...with a gulp of courage his hand inched forwards, closer and closer to the Mom. His hand was about to touch her shoulder...before the bedroom was replaced by the living room.

The boy looked shocked but...not surprised as the same scene of Roy coming home...played out before him. However this time as Roy ran towards him, expecting Roy to run into him, he simply ran straight through him. It was almost as if the boy didn't exist in this family scene as it just repeated. The boy reached out hoping someone would help him but...a feeling of depression came over him as his arm hung limply to the side.

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