102- First Thing he noticed

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Niall- Your voice. He noticed how you had a/an (Y/A) accent. The moment you started talking he paid all his attention to you. He loved the way you said certain words and he would keep trying to get you to talk because he just wanted to hear your voice. 

Liam- Your shyness. He thought it was really cute. You didn't talk much as first but he finally got you out of your shell. Even though your not as shy as you used to be you still get your shy moments. You blush from time to time and it reminds him of the first time he met you. 

Louis- Your style. You are proud and confident with your own style. He likes it when you dress up but even on lazy days you still manage to add your personality to your outfit. You always have something that resembles you and he enjoys it. 

Zayn- Your personality. You are kind of old-fashioned and respectful of other people. He noticed how you stood out from all the other girls. You always did things your own way and that's what attracted him to you.  

Harry- Your hair. He loves how you do different things with it. You put your hair in a pony tail, messy bun, straight down, or curly. No matter how you do your hair he notices. He complements you on your hair all the time. 

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