Chapter 13 (Dean & Elizabeth)

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  It was a burst of remembrance about her head.I hear her sniffle and whine. I threw myself off the bed and I kneel down next to her. I help her up. To my surprise she didn't hit me or anything. I gently move her hand away from her head. The moment my hand touched hers I felt a strange feeling course through my body. I shook it off and checked for any blood. Luckily no.

  She sighed and I looked down at her and she caught my gaze. I stared into her eyes. I never actually thought of it. Her eyes are ...really ...pretty. Woah I said pretty. But they are. They are just so big and green with specs of blue. It's mesmerizing.

  I found myself to get lost in them and she didn't seem to stop staring either. I found myself to smirk softly and my gaze went down to her lips. So small, yet soft and sweet looking. I glanced at her once more and I moved in closer to her. She seemed to be frozen as a statue. I felt different at the moment. I started leaning in even more until my lips brushed up against hers. She still didn't move. Must she really want this. Matter of a fact do I want this? Hell no but I don't find myself to stop now.

  I brought my other hand up and I brushed it down her cheek and I leaned in more until my lips pressed against hers. She gasped and I felt shockwaves all through out my body. that's what gave me the spark. I growled and I brought her closer to me and I kissed her deeper.She was in shock but didn't move. I just kepy pecking and kissing her lips. I can't believe im kissing the person I hate.

  I shook my head and pulled away and I got up. "I can't " I mumbled before I eft the room. I went all the way to my bedroom and I closed the door and locked it. My laptop started ringing indicating that I had a video call. I sighed and walked over to the laptop and put it on my lap as I sat down. I clicked answer and Roman and Seth popped up on the screen.

 "Wassup man?" Seth asked with a smirk that I never really noticed before. I shrugged it off and sighed.

 "Nothing just..thinking" I said looking around.

 Roman let out a chuckle. "On what?Thinking of ways to mess with your new sister?" He teaed. I glared at him and Seth just shook his head.

  "Man, well fuck this we are coming over to watch shit unfold we are bringing popcorn so you better put on a show" Seth said winking before ending the call. I frowned and sighed in frustration and closed my laptop and put it beside me. I rubbed my face in frustration and I just shook my head. I can't believe I kissed her. But don't worry people It will not be happening again. She's gross and aggrivating.

  I shivered and I got up off the bed and I walked out my bedroom.I peeped into Elizabeths room only to see her laying on the bed and on her phone. I walked past her room quickly and I made it downstairs and I walked to the fridge for a soda. I had grabbed a can of orange soda. Only to have it snatched out of my hand by Isabella. "Thank you Deany" She said popping open the can and drinking it.

  I scowled at her and went to grab another can but there was no more. I frowned and cursed underneath my breath. i turned around to get my soda back but Isabella was no where in sight. "Fuck" i cursed.

  i then feel a whack to the back of my head. "Language son!'My father snapped as he walked in from the backyard. I sighed and threw my hands up in defeat. I walked into the living room and bounced my leg up and waited for Roman and Seth to come over already. I heard footsteps coming down the steps. I looked up to see Elizabeth coming down.

  My eyes nearly fell out my head once i got a sight of her. She was wearing shorts where half her ass which I never knew she had was spilling out. Then she was wearing a tight v neck shirt where her chest was ready to explode out but she had a hoodie on that was half way zipped. She had a body no lie.

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