Chapter 5 (Eva & Elizabeth)

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{Eva's POV will be first and then Elizabeth will have her POV after}




  I walked into the classroom and Elizabeth was the first one I spotted. AJ skipped in behind me. I have no problems with her. She is actually silent so whatever. I put my books down in the open seat next to Elizabeth.

  I'm going to try and make friends with her. After everything she has been through and she is still here. I give her props and she deserves. She didn't have a reason on not to have a friend in the first place.

  As I set my stuff she looked up at me. I smiled at her but she looked away. I sighed and sat down next to her. These people really have her shaken up. The bell rings and look back only to see Aj sitting behind her on her phone. I shrug and I lean in closer to Elizabeth.

  "Hey Elizabeth.." I say with a sincere smile. She looks up at me and brushes a few strands of hair away from her face.

  "Hello.." She said still staring at me.  She fiddled with her fingers. "T-thanks for helping me e-earlier.." She spoke once again.

  I just smiled and giggled. "No problem..any thing for a friend" With that she looked at me with widened eyes.

  "F-f-friends?" She asked in a startled tone. I just nodded and sighed.

 "Yes friends, I have seen how these people have treated you but I think it's unfair..I haven't done anything before because I thought you would stick up for yourself and I never thought it would be taken so far..." I said looking down.

  She sat there silently. Honestly I just want to get her voice in this.



   I stared at Eva as she looked down at her desk. Someone actually wanting to be my friend. This has to be a joke. Since when has someone actually wanted to sit down, be my friend and actually take time to get to know me. She probably just feels bad for me. Probably a whole lot of other people but they just want to sit down and watch my life get tormented on a daily basis.

  I lean my head to the side and I watch her curiously.

  "Is this some kind of joke?" I ask clearly. She looks at me with strange eyes. 

  "No, it's not a joke...I want to be your friend...I want to help you through the are a strong girl and you want to succeed I can see it in your demeanor..and you haven't seemed to crack just are a good person and I mean everything I just said" She put her hands up in defense.

  I couldn't help but laugh and I slowly nod.  "I could work.." I said softly. It wouldn't hurt to have a friend for once.

  She squealed and did a happy dance in her chair. I laughed and I heard small laughter behind me. I jumped and turned around to see Aj smiling. She looked at me and stuck her hand out.

  "I was listening on to the conversation and Im feeling the same way...and wear converse a lot so I respect your style" She said. I couldn't help but laugh,

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