Chapter 27 {Elizabeth}

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  I woke up the next morning feeling better than I did last night. I am glad that Dean and i can finally work on things. Stress is not a good thing. For me especially. It just breaks me down to the point where it's just horrible I can't explain it. I meant what I said when I was going to talk to Eva for him but I don't know how she is going to react. I want to tell her soon enough. I might text her or video call her when she gets back from school. I now remember that I am suspended and I can't go so.

   My mom, Jessica, wasn't too happy of course but after I explained things to her she softened up a bit. I mean just because I am still kind of new to the house that doesn't mean that I am going to sit around and be lazy. I should do something nice for this family. Including Dean, civil right? Maybe I shoudln't get to attached to it just make it come naturally yeah, Yeah.

  Maybe I should make dinner and get Isabella to talk to me. Also convince her to talk to Dean again. It sucks to have siblings mad at each other.Dean seemed the most emotional about it.

 I got out of my baby. My bed of course. I stretched until I heard some bones crack. I felt way more relaxed like I had just gotten the best massage of my life. I stood up and walked to the mirror and picked up the brush and brushed my hair out. I then put it up in a pony tail and rubbed my face. I walked into my bathroom which I never knew I had. I just thought it was a second door to my closet. I am pretty slow, don't judge me.

   I picked up my toothbrush from a small cup and I placed on some toothpaste and brushed my teeth. Once I finished that I dried off my mouth and walked out the bathroom. I left my room and went downstairs into the kitchen. My dad, Jackson was leaning on the counter drinking his coffee. He looked up at me and smiled.

  'Good morning Liz" He spoke. i smiled and looked at him.

  "Morning Dad" I said cheerfully and I went into hug him. "Daddy's girl already"I thought in my head. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me.

  "Well since you are here for a few days and Im off today maybe the three of us can go out today" he suggested.

  "The three of us?" I asked. he nodded.

 "yeah, Isabella" HE said.

"Doesn't she have school today?"

 He nodded. "She does but she has this mid term thing and she doesn't have to go in today because she finished her tests so she has the day off" he informed.

  I nodded in understanding. "that sounds good" I said walking to the fridge and taking out the carton of milk. I set it on the counter and I got a bowl and a box of froot loops. I set up my bowl of cereal and began eating in silence. Dad left the room and now I was alone in the kitchen. Soon enough I head a loud thump and I looked up towards the stairs. Since that was where the noise came from. I heard it again and then here comes Dean tumbling down the stairs. I stared at him as if he was stupid.

  He sprang up and looked towards the stairs and then at me. We stared at each for a long time and then I began to laugh nonstop. I set the bowl down and I clutched onto my stomach. he just stared at me and rolled his eyes as he fixed his hair. "Only you Dean" I said still giggling as I calmed down a bit. I smiled and shook my head as he walked closer to me. I stopped laughing until we were face to face.

  He put his arms on each side of me. "You think it's funny?" He asked in an attempt of a stern voice. I just smirked.

  "Well, I laughed didn't I?" I said getting smart. He glared at me and I just giggled and shoved him off. he chuckled.

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