Chapter 16 {Elizabeth}

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 I walked out the bathroom and quickly made my way back upstairs in my room. I was only in my towel. I made it safely in my room and I closed the door behind me. I dropped my towel and I put on some lotion and my undergarments.

  I walked to my closet which was now filled with clothes I bought from the first day I had gotten here. I reached for red skinny jeans, a black loose tank top, I slipped on my regular pair of black and white converse. I walked to a small table where all my jewelery was located. I opened up a box and I took out a long necklace with a gold heart on it. I put that on as well. I didn't feel like putting on earrings so I didn't. I walked out the closet and shut the double doors. I stood in front of my mirror and I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. I sighed and walked over and picked up my phone and unlocked it.

  I had gotten a text message from Eva saying that she would be here in a few minutes. I slipped my phone in my pocket and I picked up my new bag filled with the same old school supplies. I sighed and I walked downstairs.

  I had seen Jessica standing around the island in the kitchen drinking some coffee. I set my bag down near the front door and I walked into the kitchen and I greeted her with a hug. "Good morning M-mom" I said. It felt weird yet good at the same time to call her that. She looked at me and smiled. She looked like she felt touched from me calling her that. She set the mug down and she hugged me back. It was a very warm and comforting hug.

  "Good morning LIz! I was going to ask you last night if you wanted to bond a bit but by the time I reached were sleeping..stupid traffic" She mutttered the last part. I chuckled and leaned on the island.

  "Maybe when I come home from school we can..we could have a girls day out..Isabella can come too" I suggested. She brought the cup up to face drink and she nodded. "Yes, that sounds good"

  Our conversation was cut short by a car honk outside. "Well, I better get going my friend Eva is picking me up" I said bringing her into a hug again.She hugged back. As she pulled away she reached into a drawer and handed me keys.

  "These are keys to the house..have a good day" I took them and nodded and picked up my bag and slipped the keys in there and ran out the door. I ran all the way to her Red Challenger and I got inside.

  "Figures you would have red, I like it" I said putting my bag down between my feet. She looked at me smiling and we hugged.

  "Im surprise AJ isn't here I had a feeling she would be" I said. Eva chuckled and started driving.

 "Nah, I asked too but she said no she feels that she would take a long time getting ready because she has the nerdy persona to obtain" She said chuckling and shaking her head. I smirked and leaned my head back. "So, you and mystery guy" She said taking one hand off the wheel and playfully hitting my shoulder. I looked at her strange.

  "Im pretty sure nothing is going to happen between us.." I said looking out the window.

"Well why?"

I sighed. " Because, I kind of got bitchy last nigt..he said we would be together soon and I questioned sure you want to be seen with me and what not..." I sighed,

  "You can't do that Liz.... that person could actually like you and might be hurt that you said those things to him."

  I just rolled my eyes. "How do I even know that he is real? For all I know it could be someone playing games and when that person came and kissed me at the hospital that could of been some one paid to do that! I mean why would someone waste their time on me? Im worthless and pathetic. Just a weak and ugly  girl with a dream that will never come true" At this time tears were streaming down my face.

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