Chapter 36 {Elizabeth}

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I sat there in the limo as we arrived at the school. Dean sat in the car with me and he held me close to him for comfort. I was nervous as ever. I never went to a dance before.It was actually scary. What if people made fun of me or throw a large bowl of fruit punch on me? I have seen it all in the movies. I don't want any of that to happen to me. Then Dean opened the limo door and I froze. He got out first and I pouted. He held out his hand and gave me a reassuring smile. I hesitated but just stared at him. 

  He let out a soft chuckle. "Come on Liz, you helped me with my tie you could at least come out of a limo." He said. I just stared at the ground of the limo and twiddled with my thumbs.

  "I don't think I can Dean" I spoke softly.

 "Why Liz? You look stunning beautifully tonight, show off that beautiful dress" He said as he reached down and grabbed my hand. I blushed at his words and looked at him. He began to pull me forward and this time I cooperated. He then had a smile of relief plastered on his face. I picked up the ends of my dress so it was easier for me to get out of the car. He help me out completely and once I was out the cool air of the night hit my face.

  "See?Was that so hard?" He teased. I playfully hit his chest and he held his arm out. I smiled and intertwined my arm with his and he led me inside of the school people. Some people were already there and making their way to the gym. Some stopped to just stare at me. They just stared at me with amazement. I felt myself blushing so I looked down at the ground.

  "You have this moment Liz, live it" He whispered in my ear as we inched closer and closer to the gymnasium which was where they held the gym. Dean suddenly stopped walking and I looked up at him and then looked forward to see Alicia Foxx and Askana standing in front of us smiling. I felt tense and backed away slowly but Dean grabbed my arm.

 "Liz? You look beautiful tonight" Alicia complimented and Askana nodded in agreement. I stared at them and noticed sincerity in their eyes. I let out a small smile.

 "T-Thank you , you two look wonderful as well" I complimented. They just smiled and walked off.

 "Well that wasn't so bad either" HE teased again. I just chuckled and we finally reached the gym and I felt nervousness rush over me. He stopped and looked down at me.

  'Are you ready?" He asked with a raised brow.  I stared at the doors that lead to the place where every one was in fancy suits and wonderful dresses with music. It may simple but it was overwhelming to me. But I was wiling to go through it.

  I slowly nodded and he gave me a soft smile and a kiss on my cheek. I smiled softly and we pushed open the door and we walked inside. Nearly everyone that was dancing stopped and looked at me. I looked around the crowd and Dean my shoulder to keep me calm. I then heard a loud squeal and I turned to the left and Aj ran towards me nearly knocking me to the ground. I swear im going to have a twisted ankle by then end of this night because of these heel. Soon enough every one went back to dance but some were still looking at me.

  'You look absolutely beautiful!" She wiping away fake tears. I giggled at her reaction and we hugged tightly. I turned to see Dean smiling at me. He stepped closer to me.

  "You seem to be okay little Liz, im going to look for my friends but I expect a dance from you later okay?" He whispered in my ear. I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and kissed my cheek and left. I turned to Aj who just squealed pulled me to the dance part of the floor and she started to dance like a weird. I giggled softly and then started to move with her. I was slowly becoming to get more comfortable and started to move just as weird as her.

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