Chapter 3 (Elizabeth)

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  I had to sit down with my mother who was finally sober.

  We have a meeting with Child Services. I don't know why. Ever since my dad left Child Services decide to stop by. They decide to do it every week because they feel iffy about my mother and which they should. Not like they would notice anything just yet.

  Before they come she gives me harsh warnings. If I say anything she says things will end bad for me. That's something I cleary don't want. So I am forced to sit here and act like everything is okay.

  "So, Elizabeth how is everything going?" Mrs.Hunter the woman who comes to visit us. I looked down at the ground and played with my fingers. I glanced back at her. "Everything is good...couldn't be better" I said with a fake smile. Just lying right then and there. She looked at me with concern and just nodded. She looked at my mother who had a blank expression on her face. She then broke out into a smile.

  "Yeah! , ever since her father left..she has been uneasy...but we have become closer then thankful for her" My mother said pulling me closer to her. She planted a kiss on my cheek but I cringed and shivered in disgust. But not in a way that both would notice.

  Mrs. Hunter just nodded and wrote some things down. "Well every thing seems to be going good so far...I will be back next know the usual...have a good day ladies" She said gathering her things together. I frowned once she got up. She smiled at both of us before leaving. Once the door was closed and she was gone I was nearly shoved out the chair.

  "Go wash the damn dishes you worthless piece of trash" My mother spat at me as she got up. I sighed and rubbed my arm and i got up to go wash the dishes like she said. I looked in the direction where she went which was upstairs to her room. Which was probably to take more drugs.

  I sighed and just washed the dishes.

  Once all that was done I dried them and put them away. I went back upstairs and I made it safey to my room. I closed the door behind me and I sighed of relief. I sat on the floor and just started thinking about my life.

   I was soon interrupted by my door being busted open. My mother stood there pissed as ever. She then walked over to me and roughly dragged me up. "I almost forgot...what's this bullshit I hear about you going to the nurse and missing all of your classes!!!" She yelled.  I began to tear up. "I had a headache and I got beat up.." I whimpered. The face expression on her face softened a bit.

  My mother used to tell me stories all the time about when she used to get bullied and beat up in her high school years.

She growled and she smacked me in the face. Tears burned and slid down my cheeks. "You let them take advantage of you!!!You stupid bitch! You are an idiot! I hate you so much! I wish you were never born!!!' She yelled as she started to kick me in the gut and punch me in the face. I screamed in pain and agony as I tried my hardest to block her hits.

  She started to scream and I glanced at her and she was crying like there was no tomorrow. She kicked me one last time before leaving my room. To leave me on the floor bruised and probably bleeding in places I can't feel.

  I could barely move. If I tried It would hurt.

  I cried nonstop as I tried to get up on my two feet. I carried myself to the bathroom. I held all my weight up against the sink and I looked up in the mirror. My lip was busted and I had a bruise on my cheek and underneath my eyes. I looked a mess.

  I cried even more at the sight. I then took off my clothes and put them in th hamper. I turned on the water for a shower. I don't remember if the bill was paid. SO I don't know if this hot water is going to last any longer. Might as well enjoy it when I can.

  I stepped into the water and it stung at first because of all the fresh bruises on my skin.After a while I was beginning to get soothed from the water. I closed my eyes and just stood underneath the water and let it run throughout my hair and all around my body. I began to wash my self with the little soap we had left.I didn't want to use it all. I wanted to leave some for my mother because I would get in trouble if I didn't.

  I don't remember the last time have a proper shower. From the soap amount that I can use I only use it for important parts. Like my womanly parts, underarms and feet. That was it.

  She can be the worst mother known to any kind but Im still considerate. I just want to stay out of trouble. That's how I am.

  Maybe I should even come up with a plan tog et her off of drugs and get the sweet caring mother I love back.

  I sighed and picked up a small bottle of vanilla scented  shampoo and washed my hair with that. So I should be set for tomorrow. I hope.

  I washed off and I stepped out the shower and I dried off and wrapped a towel around my self. I qucikly rushed out the bathroom and into my room. I put on lotion, my bra and under wear and over sized sweat pants and a hoodie and I went under the sheets and fell right asleep.

  This is the process I go through on a basis.

  I come home from school

Do my homework if I have any

 Child services comes to visit

Get yelled for no reason

Take a shower

Go to sleep

and repeat

  it's obvious I need a change.


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