Chapter 20

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We get into the car and I start it up. I look at Jack and is looking at me in shock. I laugh and he laughs, shaking his head.

"Woah bro that was deep man!" He says. I smile at him. I drive down the road and turn on the radio. I begin to hum to the song and drum my fingers on the steering wheel. "I love seeing you like this, Riley!" Jack says with a huge grin. "It's been a while."

"Thanks Jack. I feel so alive! I love her so much." I say while pulling the car over near the restaurant. We head into the restaurant. "You want anything?" I ask Jack.

"I know that we just ate but I can eat again." Jack says and I laugh.

I order a bit of everything and pay the bill and head back to the car. I grab a fortune cookie. The fortune I get says LOVE IS ON THE HORIZON. I show it to Jack and we both smile. I turn the radio up loud and we both sing at the top of our lungs and laugh. We get back to the hospital and we are surprised that most of the photographers are gone. There are only a few milling around.

"Wow, I think that it really worked." I say.

"Yeah I think that you're right." Jack says. "Ready to see your girl?"

"More than ready!"

We get to her room I take a deep breath and open the door. All eyes are on me but my eyes stay glued to my beautiful girlfriend.

"Hi." I say staring at only her.

"Hi yourself." She says. I put the food on the counter and go over and embrace her tightly.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear and pulls away slightly beaming at me.

"I love you too. So much." She says to my surprise. I kiss her deeply not caring who is watching us. I pull away and look at her face smiling. Her mom places a plate of food in front of her.

"Eat Mija." She says beaming at the both of us.

"Babe, do you mind if I talk to you privately for a little bit there is a lot I need to tell you before the lawyer comes?" I ask.

"Oh course you can babe! Hey guys can you give Riley a few minutes alone?"

"No!" Jack says laughing. "Of course we will be at the gift shop." They head out the door. "Don't do anything nasty Riley, they have security cameras in here." Jack says with a huge laugh.

"Shut up Jack." I laugh. He leaves the room.

I take a deep breath I am feeling anxious now my stomach is in knots. Ayana grabs my hand. I think she feels they anxiety flowing out of me.

"Ok what is going on Riley? I can see in your face that you have something going on. Are you ok?"

"When Johnny came today he came to tell you something about my past. He hoped that you would not want to be with me if you found out. Last year was really hard for me. I took a bunch of pills and tired to kill myself if Jack hadn't come to check on me I think I might have been successful. Thank god he did come right on time."

"Yes thank God!" Ayana says with tears in her eyes. "If you don't mind me asking what happened to make you want to that baby?"

" I have to start from beginning my mom and dad where my world growing up. My dad was a lawyer and very good one at that. He was always working late and he would go out of town a lot for cases and things like that. My mama took us on trips and adventures in the city and our Nana would come with us too. When he would come home early from work or a trip he would just want to stay in and watch movies and play games with us. We would have a great time eating all sorts of junk food. We had a blast with our dad. Looking back at it we rarely would go out at all with dad when we did it was a treat. He got sick when I was 9. He told Mama it was dangerous for him to be around us because of our germs. We would see him once and a while when he felt well enough. The first time we saw him it was super scary for us because he looked horrible. My dad was in the hospital for my tenth birthday and we got to see him the next day. It was the last time we saw him because he died that night. It was also the same day that our world was crushed in an instant. I remember it like it was yesterday we went into the hospital room and there where people that I have never seen in my life in there. When my dad saw us the look on his face was sheer terror. All hell broke loose. Turns out dear ol' daddy was leading a secret life and we where his dirty little secret. He had been married to this other woman Julia many years before he "Married" our mama. He took mom to Mexico and married her there but it was not a legal marriage. He had three other kids with his wife two boys and a girl. My mom and Julia had not idea that the other even existed. My mama was crushed. He was the love of her life. To see her wail for him both scared us and made us very sad for her." I look up at Ayana who was tears streaming down her face and it breaks my heart. " I can stop," I say.

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