Chapter 7

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"Do you know her? Sofia asks me. "You should look at yourself staring at her."

"Shut up." I laugh "Yeah she is Kaylee's best friend Ayana."

I walk further into the room and our eyes meet, my heart is pounding in my chest. I notice that she is just as confused as me. She waves and smiles at me. Man that smile is going to be the death of me.

"Riley get in positon now." Tony say. I just stand there like an idiot. "Hello Riley are you here or not?"

"Oh Sorry, right on it boss." I say quickly. The girl starting giggling. "Shut up you two!" I laugh back at them.

I start to walk over and get in position. Ayana is walking around me adjusting lights and moving things around me in place. My breath catches because of how close she is to me and I see the girls watching intently.

"We need shots of Riley in different clothing and some shirtless and just in boxers." Tony says in a fast pace.

I notice that her face flashes red and I can feel my whole body flush as well. I think that I may be just as red as she is. I go to the x that she has marked for me and begin to pose and she takes shot after shot. I notice how gracefully and quickly she moves from shot to shot while shouting out directions to me.

I change quickly and put on the jeans and a new shirt. She takes more shots and my main manager walks in just as we are finishing up. It seemed to go quickly but I know we had been here for hours.

"We need a few shots with a female." He says.

"Ok, that's fine, who is the girl where is she?" Ayana asks him. I'm thinking the same thing she is because I didn't see anyone else come in the room with him. He looks around us and points to Ayana.

"You girl, you're the girl I want!" He says.

"What?!" Ayana asks very confused.

"Yes, you are very stunning!" He says. "Riley strip to your boxers and you girl stay in your shorts and put this on. " He hands Ayana her a bra thing to wear and her eyes are huge.

"Wait, what?" I say I am freaking out. I look at her and our eyes lock she is clearly freaking out too. "Hey Larry her name is not You Girl it's Ayana."

She leaves the room to change. I begin to remove my pants and shirt. The girls begin to touch up my tattoo makeup on my thigh.

"Riley you're killing me with all your damn tattoos." Tony says. I begin to laugh and I notice one of the girls has a huge smile on her face.

"What?" I ask.

"Your heart is beating out of your chest" Giselle laughs and she is touching up the makeup on my chest.

"Stop it." I say.

"Take deep breaths, control your emotions and control your friend." She says as she points to my crotch.

"Really?!" I say back annoyed.

"I'm joking Riley calm down."

The bathroom door opens and she walks out, my breath catches she looks simply beautiful. The girls run over to her to put on some powder on her face.

"Put your hair down Ayana and take off your glasses" Tony says. She takes out her braid and it falls in waves down her back. "Put your back against Riley's chest, turn your face away from him. Riley put your arms around her waist. My heart is thumping in my chest as I get into position. I am trying to control my breathing and other parts of my body.

"You smell nice." The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them my skin is burning from embarrassment. She smells of lavender and honey.

"You do too." She is says shyly.

"Riley turn her to you and grab her thigh and look into each other's eyes, Riley place you hand on her face. I need your mouths to be close to each other but not touching." Tony orders. My heart pounds and my breathing quickens and notice her breaths are fast as well I just hope she can't feel my heart pounding in my chest. We do what he asks of us and look at each other. I hear the clicks and flashes. "That's a wrap!" Tony yells loudly.

I pull back and look and Ayana and smile at her she smiles back at me. "You did a great job, sorry you got put in this awkward position." I say.

"It's ok." She says back as she goes to grab her shirt and starts for the bathroom.

Giselle comes to me and hands me this soap that helps to take off the tattoo makeup. I head in the other bathroom with the shower in it. I wash all the makeup off I dry myself off and look in the mirror to make sure I got all of it off. I get dressed and head back out. Ayana is putting all her gear away by herself I go over and hold things up and she points to where they belong in the boxes. We get finished pretty quickly.

"Thank you for helping me Riley." She says with a shy smile.

"You're welcome Ayana." I say.

"Ayana please let me know when the proofs are ready." Tony says.

"Sure thing Tony, they will be ready in morning." She says as she looks at her phone. "Oh my God it's 2AM, Does the subway run this late?" She asks me.

"Yes, but I am not letting you get on the subway. It's late. It's so dangerous. I'll give you a ride." I say.

"Oh thank you so much."

"No problem at all." I smile at her and notice Giselle staring at us in the corner of the room. I look at Giselle and she smiles and gives a thumbs up and I shake my head.

I walk her over to my car. I am holding all her gear so I had her my keys so she can open the trunk. I place all her gear inside and gently close the trunk.

"Is this your car? It's beautiful." She says.

"Yes it is. Thank you it's my most prized possession. It was a gift from my grandfather. I do not drive it very often." I say as my stomach growls loudly." I am starving."

"Me too." She says.

"Wanna eat some Thai food?" I ask her.

"I have never had Thai food. Is it good?"

"Very. Wanna try it?" I ask smiling.

I open her door so that she can get in. I walk around the back of car and notice through the window that she has unlocked my door so that I could get in. I smile to myself I am feeling all sorts of butterflies in my stomach. Maybe I have a tiny chance but it's a chance I am willing to take.

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