Chapter 6

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I walk over to gym with a clear head. I run on the treadmill for about an hour and do free weights for another hour. I feel the best I have in a very long time. I get home feeling tired from the gym. I grab a sandwich and turn on music. I go and jump in the shower and just hang out in the hot stream of water that feels fantastic on my sore muscles. I get out and get my clothes. I decide on black joggers, black and white fitted ringer shirt. I throw on my chucks and I am out the door. I head up the block to Jack and Kaylee's house.

I get to the stoop and see a group of girls and one of the girls waves at me and I wave back. I feel bad because I have forgotten her name. I go inside the house I do not know a lot of people at the party they are mostly Kaylee's artist buddies. I spot Jack and Johnny and go over to them.

"Hey!" I say.

"You want a drink?" Jack motions to the make shift bar in the kitchen. I notice the tequila and it makes my stomach turn. Jack must have noticed me "You want a beer?"

"What kind you got?" I ask.

"Flat tire, Stella," He says.

"Stella" I say as he hands me a beer.

"I am going to go start the grill. I'll be back." Jack says as Johnny follows him to the balcony.

I stay there in the kitchen and drink my beer. I look up from my beer and I am stopped in my tracks. I see a girl that has taken my breath away. She is wearing a flowy peach blouse, short white shorts and gladiator sandals. Her skin brown in color so the peach that she is wearing is stunning against her skin tone. I have never been drawn to anyone like this before.

"Riley." Jack says snapping me back to the here and now.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I want to introduce you both to Ayana. Hey Ayana come here a second." Jack says. The girl in the peach blouse walks over to us.

"Hi guys! It's so nice to meet you." She says with a huge smile. I think to myself she is stunning and she is not a skinny twig. She has curves where there should be curves. She is a natural beauty.

"Hey beautiful girl!" Johnny says and hugs her she giggles.

I feel like Johnny might have a better chance than me because he is more outgoing than I am. He stops hugging her and I put out my hand to shake her hand. She puts in her small hand into mine and feel an electric charge between us. Our eyes meet and I smile and she smiles back shyly.

"Nice to meet you." I say.

During the party Johnny is following her around like a lost puppy. There went my shot I think. It's getting late and I have a lot to do before my photo shoot tomorrow night.

"Jacko! I got to head out, Kaylee see you later! Ayana it was nice to meet you!" I say and give her a high five and think really dude a high five how lame are you! Johnny goes in for a hug that last longer than needed. Johnny, Jack and I head out the door together.

"Riley what are you doing tomorrow?" Jack asks me.

" I have a diction class."

"You have a what?" Johnny asks laughing.

"It's a class that my agency is making me take. The class it to teach me to control my accent, which I do not think I have by the way."

"What do they teach you?" Jack says laughing.

"They show me exercises to teach me to say waaaaaater instead of whattta and caab instead of caaaaaab, it's stupid I know but whatever it takes right."

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