Chapter 18

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My eyes dart all way open and I sit up straight in the bed quickly. I am confused about what is going on.

"What the hell are you talking about." I yell back. Ayana awakes on a jump looking startled. "Sorry I scared you babe."

"What's wrong?" she asks. I hold up a finger telling her to hold on a second.

"What the hell do you want Tony!"

"Look up your name online NOW!" Tony snaps and hangs up.

"Are you ok?" Ayana asks worried.

"Yes baby. I am sorry. Tony says I should look up my name online." I kiss her forehead and type in my name in the web search. The first image that shows up on the screen is me kissing Ayana on the hospital bed. "What the Fu....." I being.

"Oh my goodness! I am sorry Riley I've ruined everything for you." Ayana says upset.

"Babe no you haven't." I say kissing every inch of her face. "But I tell you what someone in this hospital is about to lose their job." I say in a clipped tone not meant for Ayana. "Babe I am going to make a few calls." I say and she nods at me.

I pick up my phone and look at all the text messages. I call Jack and he answers on the first ring.

"Riley are you ok?" Jack asks quickly.

"Yeah man I am. I am glad that it came out. I am truly happy and want everyone to know. What I am pissed about is the way it came out. I do not like that they violated Ayana's privacy like that."

"Well she is going to be in the limelight now. Are you ready for that?"

"Well we will see. I have to talk to her later about that. Right now I just want to get her better so we can get her home."

"Hey her mom is on her way from California but it's a surprise. She will be here this afternoon.

"Oh that's great! I will touch base with you later about that."

"Talk to you later." Jack hangs up.

I look over to Ayana and she has the TV remote in her hands when she notices me looking at her she quickly turns the TV off she looks worried.

"Babe what's wrong?" I say walking over to her.

"I am a Mystery Woman." She says.

"Babe forget them." I bend down and kiss her lips. A nurse comes in carrying a tray of food.

"Good morning I am your day nurse Nique. The Orthopedic doctor will be in after breakfast."

"Thank you." Ayana says eyeballing the food that has been placed in front of her. "May I ask you a question?"

"Sure sweetheart."

"What is the policy of invasion of privacy here at the hospital." Ayana asks.

"It's looked at very seriously dear. Can I ask why you're asking that?"

"Babe come here please." She motions me to come over. "Can you show Nique please?"

"Good morning." I say to Nique and show her the picture on my phone. "This was taken by staff last night it was way after visiting hours where over." I explain.

"Oh my goodness!" Nique says very concerned. "Let me find out right now I have my ways of finding things out!" She says full of sass. "Eat now sweet thing you will need your energy." She says to Ayana. I'll be back." As soon as she leaves Ayana looks at me and than to the food.

"You want me to help you cut up your pancakes."

"Yes please." She smiles. I cut up her pancakes in small squares. "Riley what's going to happen?"

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