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Elise's Pov
That's it. I'm going over to Ethan's. I can't take this anymore.

I swear if i find him cheating on me I'll end his life. I stomped over there.

I arrived at his house.

I knocked on the door and acted calmly.

Grayson opened. "Hey Elise. Wasn't expecting you here"he said. "Me neither. Where is Ethan?" I asked.

"Oh he isn't here right now. Want to leave him a message?" He asked. "Yes tell him that we are done. That sick bastard . I take care of him and all and this is what he gives me? He cheats on me."I yelled and stomped away.

"Elise wait come back"Grayson yelled.

I ignored him. I cant take bullshit from him anymore. I thought he loved me. Why does life have to treat me like shit?

What did I do to reserve this?

I went home and cried all day like so little bitch.

Gray- please come over. We need to talk

Me - I'm not talking to that loser

Gray- you might need to watch your words. And mum needs to talk to

Me - why should i watch my words? He hurt my feelings Grayson.

Gray- please come over

Me - No

Gray- then I'm coming for you

Me - fine I can walk myself. Be there in 10

I wiped my tears and went there.

Lisa their mum opened.

"Elise I'm  so glad you're here. Ethan isn't here so we have an opurtinity to talk alone" she said. "Yeah sure."I said.

We went in the living room. "I know what you said because Grayson told me"she said.

"I'm sorry but Ethan hurt my feelings"I cried.

"How do you know he was cheating on you? Are you sure about what you got in your mind?" She asked. I'm confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Honey you got the wrong idea about Ethan" she said.

"Then why has he been avoiding me?"I asked.

"Oh guess he didn't tell you"she said.

"No nothing. I'm confused Lisa. I don't know what's happening. This past month I lost all contact with Ethan"i cried.

"Ethan is ......"

Cliffhanger oops sorry but shit's about to go down hill.

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