13 | Seeing Bloody Red

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Blood surged through her veins, ever gaining speed

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Blood surged through her veins, ever gaining speed. Rushing upwards until they pooled behind her closed eyes, and the dirty cloth didn't do much to hide the glow that emitted from underneath. Rage, grief, and pain swarmed throughout her body and threatened to devour her whole. It overcame her, and she did nothing to stop it.

She was fed up of her dad governing her life, and she was fed up of having to hold back on the part of her that wanted to be dominant. She was a ghoul, there was no denying it, and it wasn't something she should stop herself from being. It was a part of her, a substantial part, and there was nothing she could do about it.

At this very moment, she wanted to quit pretending to be human. These things were meant to be eaten - not for her to be one of them. The way she was right now wasn't the real her. It wasn't her at all.

She was Bloody Red and Bloody Red was she.

Why should she wait for Uta to come rescue her? Uta fell in love with the strong her, even though she hated him for what he had done, she didn't want him to see the her who was weak. Even if he had already seen her at her weakest.

So, as the men drew closer to where she was being contained, she waited for the opportune moment to strike.

Veins popped on her arms as she gathered all of her strength into them - as much strength as she could muster in her current state. The chains cut into her wrists, and blood began to pool on the cold, wooden floor. A clanging sound rang out as the chains snapped in two and dropped to the floor, the same with the chains binding her feet.

Either the chains were not secure enough, or her father predicted this would happen, and had made them easily breakable on purpose. He wanted to see her true ghoul, the one who was strong, and that is exactly what he was going to get.

Her mind went blank as she kicked out with her feet and came into contact with another body. They went flying backwards, crashing into the wall opposite. Spitting out some blood the person slid down the wall and came to a stop at the bottom, before fainting.

(Y/n) ripped off her blindfold. Ignoring the pain that racked her body, she began to tear, tear, tear and shred, shred, shred until there was not a body left in sight. Every morsel was satisfyingly in her stomach and blood dripped from her lips.

It was at this moment that someone frantically burst into the room. Panting, he stared wide-eyed at the crazed female before him.

A sultry smile painted her face as she turned to the male. "Hey, Uta..."


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