8 | Awaken

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The scent of death, dyed in red, rotten corpses. This was her life, whether in dreams or in reality.

That was her life. The one she had led in reckless abandon, and without a care in the world. The very world that held the darkest creatures of the night, and she had been the darkest of them all.

Things changed once she encountered the ghoul that set her blackened heart racing, and blood pumping faster through her veins. He was her companion, her rock, her lover. And he had torn it from her; her pulsating heart and had stained her vision red. Blood red.

Why had he done it? Why had he ruined everything that she held dear?

Killing humans wasn't something she just had to do; it was entertainment and kept her sane. Her sanity was also due to her family - they were her place to return to and her home - and he had torn that away from her too.

Her head advised her to forgive and her heart told her to forget. They waged war against each other and left her mind in a whirl. And it all intensified just from the mere sight of him. That half-shaved hair, those tattoos and his red eyes that seemed to follow her wherever she went. He was constantly in her mind and heart; that was filled completely with him, and there was no escaping... Not from him, nor from herself.

She had never asked him why, and fear gripped her at the very thought of it; she feared losing him, and of knowing why he had done what he did.

With her vision still dripping red, she groaned in her sleep, as she overheard someone calling her name - disturbing her unrest.

"(y/n)..." Her shoulder gently shook, as an all too familiar hand tried to wake her. "It's time to go home." His voice was so close to her ear that she could feel his breath on her neck.

"I don't have a home," she mumbled, opening her eyes ever so slightly. Red eyes encountered her (e/c) ones, and she sat up from where she originally lay, brushing off his hand as she did.

"Heh, did you forget where you're living now?" he questioned her, laughter etched into his face.

"Of course, I didn't forget." She feigned displeasure and her face returned to its once before stoic air - nothing like her true feelings seeped through. "Where are we?" She then realised how hazy her mind was. All she recalled was that strange black shadow entering her body and then being pushed out on stage. Everything was a blur after that.

"We're still at the auction house," he replied, holding out a hand to her.

She cautiously took it and allowed him to help her stand, also ignoring the jolt of electricity that passed between them when their hands met.

"Oh?" She pretended to be disinterested. "How did it go?"

"Let's just say it was quite an interesting show." He snickered and ushered her out of the building, towards the van they had driven there in.

He put on a gentlemanly manner as he opened the passenger door for her. She thanked him with a small smile and strapped herself in the seat. Then Uta walked round to the driver's side and got in himself. He glanced briefly at the girl who was bathed in sunlight; it accentuated her already flawless features.

Giving nothing away in his gaze, he turned back to the wheel. Then he started the van, and they peeled out of the parking lot.

"Take me home," she said in almost a whisper.

Uta turned to her, not sure he had heard her properly. "What?"

"I said take me home," she repeated; the nervousness and anxiety she felt were clearly present in her voice.

"As you wish, Bloody Red."

"Don't call me that!"

"Don't call me that!"

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