Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hope you like the story so far! I have two parts up for my new story, Bruised Hearts and it is also Muke. It would mean a lot if you guys could check it out.

Michael woke up late that night in a sweat. A nightmare. It had to deal with Adam. Making him turn on the lamp next to his bed as soon as he woke up. Afraid that he was there to get him once again. But, there was no one in the apartment but the three Cliffords. Michael wanted to call Ashton but he knew he had Calum over and they were probably asleep.

Not wanting to be alone he did something he told himself he wouldn't do. He called Luke. Next door Luke jumped awake and moved his arm around trying to find his phone.

Finally finding it he answered tiredly, "Hello?"

He heard a couple of small sniffs from the other end. Michael didn't know why he was crying but he was.

"Will you please come over? I know I said I wanted to just be friends but," He took a deep breath, "I think that was a mistake."

Luke got up without even thinking. Wrapping his blanket around him he went to Michaels door. It took a few minutes before Michael had opened the door. Instantly going back to his bed, leaving Luke to lock it.

Making his way towards the bedroom he was nervous. He knew stuff wouldn't happen but hearing that Michael didn't want to just be friends at the moment made his heart skip a beat at the thought of him being his.

Walking into the room, Michael was just a small lump under the blankets. Closing the door slowly Luke made his way towards Michael. He gently moved Michaels blanket so he could join him under the covers. Michael turned so his chest was facing Lukes.

"Thank you for caring so much about me, I know there isn't anything great about me but..yea," Michael got closer to Luke. Just wanting skin on skin contact to know he wasn't alone.

Luke hesitated and put an arm around Michael. He flinched at he touch but didn't say anything as he relaxed into Lukes touch.

Luke gently kissed Michaels forehead, "Oh but babe, I could write a list on all the great things about you."

Michael could feel himself blush a little, "I guess you'll have to read that list to me someday," he was joking but Luke was serious.

"Anytime babe," Luke replied as he pulled Michael closer. Both falling asleep in each others arms. Feeling content and more safe then they did when they slept alone.


Waking up next to someone was weird for Michael. At first he was afraid and thought it was Adam. He started pushing against the body against him. Trying to get away but stopped when the blue eyes opened, filled with worry.

Only then did Michael apologize at least a dozen times before he got closer to Luke. Luke didn't say anything as he held Michael close and left kisses on his head. He understand why Michael was scared and wouldn't judge him for it.

Soon enough the little sounds of feet walking in the hallway was heard. Michaels bedroom door was then pushed open. Two little bodies made their way to the bed and struggled to get up it. Max attached himself to Michael right away. Marci on the other hand was staring at Luke.

"Did you stay the night with Daddy?" She whispered.

Luke nodded and she smiled. Instead of trying to cuddle her dad, she climbed over Michael and wrapped her arms around Luke. Michael smiled at the scene in front of him and Luke just couldn't help but smile as well. They just started whatever they have, but it already feels like they've been together for years. In this moment, it was almost like a glimpse in what their futures could be. Neither boys would complain if this is how it ended. Not one bit.

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