Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was 6:30 at night when Ashton left Michael. With a kiss to the forehead he left with the kids. Promising to come see him tomorrow. 

Visiting hours end at 8. 

Michael was impatient and wish Luke would show up. 

The clock hit 7:30 and still no sign of Luke. 

He waited for the blue eyed giant. 

The clock hit 8 and Michael could feel his heart sink lower. 

Luke never showed up.


Michael had barely gotten any sleep that night. He remembered why he hated hospitals. He hates how every hour a nurse comes in and manages to wake him up when checking up on him. Because of this he was up at  seven in the morning and just gave up on sleeping. 

"When do I get to go home?" Michael spoke up to the nurse that was checking his vitals.

"Well, I would say tomorrow morning or late tonight. I can go get your doctor and ask him to come talk to you about it?" She sent him a small smile and he smiled back. 

Taking that as a yes she left the room. Michael didn't understand why he had to stay any longer. He wasn't hurt that bad, physically speaking. He was mentally fucked up, as he says. 

He was messed up before this small act but now it seems worse. He rolls his eyes at the thought of Ashton becoming over bearing again and acting like his parent. Although he happens to be one himself. 

"Ah, Michael I'm your doctor. You can just call me James though," He holds out his hand and Michael shakes it. Although he would rather not move an inch. 

Looking over his files he begins to feel nervous. It wasn't like he was reading new information so why would it make him nervous?

Closing the file James smiled, "I think you are good to leave around four this afternoon. We will have to schedule future appointments to remove your stitches though,"motioning towards his arm.

"Thank you," Was all he said.

The doctor left, leaving Michael all alone. 

He was always alone. 


Somehow he had fallen asleep and woke up because of the low voices in the room. He recognized one as Ashton but couldn't think of the other. He opened his eyes slowly, acting as if he had just gotten up. Blinking a few times before his vision cleared his eyes met those light blue ones and felt his heart pound faster. Luke.

Luke got up and made his way to Michael. Taking his hand in his they looked each other in the eyes. Michael the first to look away. 

Gripping his hand tighter, Luke quietly whispered, "I'm so so so sorry for pushing you on trying to tell me stuff when you obviously weren't ready," Waiting for a reaction, he waited. 

Luke made no movements to try to hug or kiss the boy. He knew that this wasn't the time or place for any of that. 

"Luke, I like you okay, but I think for a little bit we should just stay as friends," Michael looked up and saw the hurt in his eyes, "We should get to know each other and see where we are a few months from now," He finished off. Not wanting to risk any pain like this again. 

Luke nodded, "I-I yea, I understand's not becau-" 

Michael quickly shook his head no, "I'm just not ready, emotional or physically ready to put myself into something so serious."

Luke wasn't offended, he understood why he was saying this all. He needed space and time to find himself. But he still needed Luke by his side. 

Adam had truly ruined him.

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