Chapter Twenty-Four

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       Harsh words thrown. The blur of limbs moving followed by the pain from the actions they took. It was almost as if history was repeating itself. 

Michael was laying on the floor with blood staining his clothes. His mind working miles a minute. Thoughts after thoughts flood his head, he was starting to get a headache from it all. He had so many questions but they would go unanswered. All because he denied a kiss from Adam. 

Why is this happening to him? Where is Ashton and why hasn't he came and saved Michael already? Why didn't he fight back?

Why didn't he fight back? He was always the weak one, the pathetic one who had nothing going for him. Even when Michael was just a young boy he knew he was impossible to love. That was why when Adam came into his life he stuck to him and never wanted to let go. He now knew that would be the biggest mistake of his life. Although, the two angels that are back at home(hopefully with Ashton) he didn't regret. 

Back to reality, every time Michael tried to move it hurt. Making him let out small whines, wishing he had someone to comfort him. The only thing that didn't hurt was his bum. He thanked whoever it was for not letting Adam have the idea of raping him, not yet at least. 

He heard fast movements upstairs and waited for Adam to come downstairs and let him have at Michael once again. He heard some shouting but didn't think anything of it. Hearing the basement door open he tensed up. He couldn't take another beating, he was for sure if it was as bad as the last time he would end up dead. 

As footsteps made their way towards Michael he closed his eyes. Waiting for the impact to come, but it never did. Gentle arms picked him up and his eyes met brown ones. 

"It's okay Michael, you're in safe hands now," The police officer stated as he carried Michael out of the basement. 

Although, those words were told to him once before, he relaxed for what it seemed like the first time in days. He was weak and just let his eyes close, ignoring everything around him.All that mattered was that he was safe now.


The ride to the hospital was something erased from his mind. Although, he was there in the moment he didn't remember any of it. Coming in and out of consciousness in the hospital was traumatizing. He would be out of it and only come back for a few seconds when a needle was put in him or other things were done to his body. Making him realize his injuries were more serious then he thought. 

His dreams, nightmares of his past and what happened over the past couple days. One could say he was lucky Adam wasn't smart and didn't actually leave the state with him. 

It was the next day that Michael finally opened his eyes and didn't fall back out of it a few seconds later. The grey walls were so plain and was not one of the first things he wants to see when he wakes up. The window in his room showed the city underneath him. People living their life with no fear, something Michael craved. 

He was alone in the room. He didn't let it bother him. He looked over and pressed the small, call nurse bottom. A small shot of pain went through his arm but he ignored it. The nurse came through the speaker, asking him a question but ignored it. A few minutes later a nurse rushed in, smiling at Michael. 

"It's nice to see that you are finally up," She helped him drink from the cup with the straw, "Your friends just left, something about lunch."

He nodded, drinking as much as he could. His throat was so dry it barely helped. The nurse sat down the cup and checked all the wires hooked up to him. Making sure he was still getting everything he needed into his body. 

"I know I'm not suppose to say anything about your situation," She started off, making sure it was okay to go on, "But, you got yourself a great friend. If it wasn't for him, you probably wouldn't have been found."

Michael didn't question how she knew that. Because, he already knew himself that without Ashton he would still be in that basement. She gave him a small smile and left the room. Leaving him alone once again. He sat there, waiting for at least someone interesting to come through the door. For the next hour, nurses and his doctor came and talked to him. No one he wanted to see.

His door opened for what felt like the hundredth time that hour and expected a nurse again. Although, it wasn't. Ashton walked into the room and instantly lit up when he saw Michael was awake. 

He gently hugged Michael, "I'm so happy your okay."

"Thanks Ash," His voice was rough, but expected. 

Ashton pulled away and looked into Michaels eyes. He just nodded, because both boys knew he was the reason for saving his life. 

Hello, I'm starting a new story and it's called Bruised Hearts. It's Muke lol, but I haven't decided if Ashton or Calum will be in it yet. I have it posted but it only has the description at the moment. I can't wait to start it and have two on going books at the same time. Hope you liked the chapter and go check out the other book. :)

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